In the lead up to the holiday season I’m joined by David Dundas, director of social media agency Hello Convo and creator of Instagram hashtag app Tribe List. Together we explore how Instagrams sophisticated algorithms rely on the power of hashtags and unique content that resonates with your customers. Join us to discover the power of Instagram TV, hashtags, influencers and the much anticipated roll out of Instagram Shopping to grow your retail or ecommerce business.
How To Write Emails That Actually Get Opened – Megan O’Leary
With your customers inboxes bulging with everything from invoices to out and out junk mail, how do you send emails that not only connect and generate sales but actually get opened in the first place?
In this episode professional copywriter Megan O’Leary shares her experiences writing copy for some of the biggest names in the marketing business, including why email marketing is still one of the best investments you can make in your business.
How to maximise your email subject line to get your emails to stand out from the crowd. And how you can ensure your brand voice is communicated if you outsource your social media or copywriting to a professional.
The Email Marketing Secrets No One Else Is Telling You
Even with massive advances in online and social media advertising, email marketing remains the strongest and highest returning method of communicating directly with your customers.
In this episode I’m busing open the top three email marketing secrets no one else is telling you. Tune in to find out how you can use these secrets to increase the traffic to your store AND start making money with every every email you send.
The Missing Link That’s Costing You Sales & Customers – Louise Griffiths
How much thought do you give the entire journey your customer passes through – from attraction and acquisition, through to purchase and retention?
In this episode Digital Marketer Louise Griffith shines a new light on what she refers to as the eco-system of the customer journey. Tune in and discover how you can increase your sales and retain customers by focusing on a more holistic version of online marketing and meeting your customers where they are with the information they’re looking for.
Louise generously shares;
– The importance of having a well planned digital strategy
– Where to focus your energy
– Knowing what stops your customers from buying
– Why empowered staff are your strongest retention tool
– How to develop, manage & nurture online communities
What Retail Success In 2020 Looks Like
In this episode I’m sharing my top predictions moving towards 2020, based on the take-home messages being shared at the recent Online Retailer.
4 Solutions For When You Can’t Post On Your Facebook Business Page
Having issues with your Facebook Business page? You’re not alone. The past couple of weeks I’ve fielded several calls from clients asking me to help them with everything from not being able to post any content or make comments on their business page, through to not being able to access their page at all.
How To Conquer Social Media Without Burning Out – Salena Knight
This week I had an email from a listener who wanted to know how the heck she can keep on top of her social media when there always seem to be hundreds of other jobs to do AND an actual business to run.
Hands in the air if you feel like keeping on top of your socials is like a full time job? Pretty much all of you right.
How To Market Your Business With No Money – Salena Knight
Sometimes you will be in an uncomfortable situation when it comes to your business, maybe you will have problems will your employees or with your suppliers but the worst case scenario is when you don’t have money.
How To Become A Household Name – Selena Soo
Selena Soo is a publicity and marketing strategist helping business experts, authors, and coaches go from “hidden gem” to admired industry leader. She has worked with some of the biggest names in the business, including; Marie Forleo, Danielle LaPorte, Pat Flynn and Laura Belgray.
How Copycats Affect Me & How I Deal With Them
Some days, it can feel like with every swipe of your insta feed or every scroll of your Facebook feed, you stumble across another business or person, copying your hard work.
Perhaps it the product photo shoot images you spent days putting together, or it’s the product descriptions that you wrote, deleted and rewrote for hours on end. If you’re lucky enough o be a designer, having your style ripped off can feel like you heart is being ripped out.
So how do you deal with business copycats?