How To Write Emails That Actually Get Opened – Megan O’Leary

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“Strong customer relationships drive sales, sustainability, and growth.”



With your customers inboxes bulging with everything from invoices to out and out junk mail, how do you send emails that not only connect and generate sales but actually get opened in the first place?

In this episode professional copywriter Megan O’Leary shares her experiences writing copy for some of the biggest names in the marketing business, including why email marketing is still one of the best investments you can make in your business.

How to maximise your email subject line to get your emails to stand out from the crowd. And how you can ensure your brand voice is communicated if you outsource your social media or copywriting to a professional.

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Megan O’Leary loves watching commercials. She spent too much time in front of her computer as a teenager and, through her HTML skills, began her career in marketing. After cutting her teeth as a copywriter, Megan expanded her skills to include content writing, ghostwriting, live event support, marketing strategy and business development.

As an independent marketing consultant and copywriter, Megan works with her clients to grow their businesses by executing marketing and sales strategies across multiple channels, using both online venues – email, social media, mobile and more – as well as offline opportunities.

In addition to working in industries as diverse as financial services, education, personal development, architecture and travel, she is also a PADI-certified scuba Divemaster. Her pumpkin cheesecake is famous in many circles.

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