Amy is a self confessed ‘Appliance Nerd’ and she believes that people inherently love to shop, when something cool and fun is going on. Unfortunately, we’ve trained our customers that buying appliances is a routine task, a necessity when things are broken. She believes we need to start utilising our showrooms (that we pay dearly for) and stop perpetuating the price only story.
Retail For Handmade Creators
This episode of Bringing Business To Retail is a little bit different.
Today, you’ll hear a live, round-table discuss with passionate handmade creators, led by Julia Bickerstaff from The Business Bakery.
Nick Davis – Tips and Resources For Creating A Professional Website
Retailers tell me that as many as 80% of customers will look at your company’s website BEFORE they come into your store.
So, what can you do, to maximise this 24/7 catalogue for your biz?
Catherine Langman – Online Strategies for ProductPreneurs
In a retail business, products are the most essential part. Product creation is what brings new things to our shelves and puts us a step ahead of the competition. In today’s episode, Catherine Langman gives us tips about product creating and being a “ProductPreneur”. Catherine users her past experience of being a “ProductPreneur” to tell us about the many techniques she has for creating a product for your business.
Understanding Your Customer’s Body Language (and how to spot a shoplifter)
Understanding human behavior can be very important in a retail business. In this episode, Vanessa Van Edwards talks about human behavior and how it can relate to your business. The way you physically and verbally present yourself can have a strong impact on your business. Vanessa also teaches us ways to read body language to help you make a particular sell in your business.