5 Digital Resources



How Much Should I REALLY Be Earning?

Well, when you get married fast, you need to get on the same page fast.

So we went to see a financial advisor,

And what happened in that 3 hours + session, turned out to be one of those

”when you look back that was a pivotal point in my life, but I didn’t know it at the time” moments.

Find out what happened and how it changed my mindset about how much I REALLY should be earning to live my dream life (and perhaps you should too).


Do This To Get More Sales And Customers

In this episode, I’ll be sharing some overlooked strategies for finding new customers that don’t involve expensive ads. Discover how to leverage LinkedIn, partner with suppliers, and host virtual events to access untapped audiences – all with minimal cost.


How To Price Your Product To Increase Sales

Back when I first opened my business, the economy looked a lot like it does now.
It was the Global Financial Crisis, people were tightening their belts, interest rates were rising…
But there were still things that would sell.
And for me, it was these super cool wet/dry bags that i used to import from America (fun fact, nearly 20 years later I STILL use those same bags, but I digress).
I started out selling them for $29.95, but with exchange rates blowing out, fuel price increase affecting shipping prices and import duty, I had no idea how one of my competitors could still be selling them for $29.95.

What were they doing, that I wasn’t?


The Risks Kings of Neon Took To Expand Internationally – Steve Pastor

Too scared to dream big?
This episode takes you on a wild ride following Stephen Pastor’s entrepreneurial journey. Starting out as a DJ in Australia, Stephen stumbled into the neon sign business by chance. You’ll hear how he turned a side gig into a full-time venture, finding the courage to take his business international.
Listen in for an inspiring story of chasing success through courage, tenacity and a willingness to take bold risks. Stephen’s journey shows how living your dreams is possible when you follow your entrepreneurial spirit.


Beat Burnout: Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth

If contracting one of the rarest remaining diseases early in my business taught me anything, it’s this: nobody’s safe from the 4 B’s of Business.

Bottleneck. Burn-out. Breakdown. Bankruptcy. It’s common for one to follow the other. If you’re starting to see the warning signs of one, it’s time to urgently find a solution… because the others are close on its heels.

In this episode, we’re looking at how these 4 B’s feed off of each other, what we can do to keep them away, and what’s at risk if we don’t take them seriously. We can’t afford to be silent about these risks. And you can’t afford to miss this conversation.


How Kristine Increased Her Revenue to 2000% – Kristine Zwick

Tired of small profits and imposter syndrome?

In this podcast, learn how Kristine went from barely breaking even to increasing revenue by 2000% by facing her fears and learning her numbers.

Discover her simple tactics for doubling conversions, boosting margins, and way more – all without losing your creative spirit. It’s time to stop playing small and start scaling up your store!


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