The Impact Pillar

Build a BRAND, not just a store


Avoid This Hiring Mistake

Join me as I walk you through a real-life scenario of what happens when you make this hiring mistake, plus the advice I gave and of course the happily-ever-after (or is it?).


Make Better Decisions With This Simple Hack

In a world that moves fast, it can sometimes be difficult to make the best decision. Do you make the best decision for now, or the best decision for the future?
When I interviewed Kristine Zwick, of Curated Dry Goods about her phenomenal growth, she dropped this little inspo bomb.
I hope it helps you when you’re making decisions moving forward.


What Can You Be Doing Right Now To Keep Your Business Going

Take it from someone who started a business during the GFC, I know business is challenging right now. I’ve been there. BUT it won’t last forever, and if you still want to be in business in 12 months, you’ll want to hear how to turn this difficult season into a golden opportunity.

Yes, business is challenging but with every challenge comes opportunities, and in this podcast, I focus on how and why business owners should be jumping on those rather than blaming the economy or buying into the media’s doom-and-gloom.

Discover how I’ve shifted my own mindset to seize opportunities and some of the business opportunities waiting for you.


How Much Should I REALLY Be Earning?

Well, when you get married fast, you need to get on the same page fast.

So we went to see a financial advisor,

And what happened in that 3 hours + session, turned out to be one of those

”when you look back that was a pivotal point in my life, but I didn’t know it at the time” moments.

Find out what happened and how it changed my mindset about how much I REALLY should be earning to live my dream life (and perhaps you should too).


Beat Burnout: Strategies for Sustainable Business Growth

If contracting one of the rarest remaining diseases early in my business taught me anything, it’s this: nobody’s safe from the 4 B’s of Business.

Bottleneck. Burn-out. Breakdown. Bankruptcy. It’s common for one to follow the other. If you’re starting to see the warning signs of one, it’s time to urgently find a solution… because the others are close on its heels.

In this episode, we’re looking at how these 4 B’s feed off of each other, what we can do to keep them away, and what’s at risk if we don’t take them seriously. We can’t afford to be silent about these risks. And you can’t afford to miss this conversation.


The Episode You Were Never Meant To Hear

For those of us who own retail and eCommerce stores, December’s all about demands and pressures. Plus, so many of us have found 2023 rough… and it’s so easy to let these situations hold you down.

If you’re feeling like 2023 was a bit (or a lot) rough – here are my words of advice… the breakdown often comes before the breakthrough. You may not see the breakthrough coming when you’re in it, but little by little, it’s on its way.

Tune in to this podcast episode to find that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.


4 Things You Need To Triple The Value Of Your Business

Do you know the four things you need to do to triple the value of your business? These four steps are free, simple, and can set your business up for a potential future sale for a price that’s not just satisfying… it’s sexy. Dive into this week’s episode to discover the 4 things you need to triple the value of your business.


4 Leadership Mistakes I Find Myself Repeating

It’s 7:59 am, and I’m just about to hop on to our daily team meeting. Our meetings are pretty light-hearted, we share a joke, walk through issues that have come up and review what’s happened over the last 24 hours.When my coach told me I HAD to implement them, I did so begrudgingly.But, he was right.Daily team meetings have changed our business and really increased team engagement.


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