We could all do with more customers and we could always do with friends in business. And I use the word friends with some quotes around them because growing your retail business is not about doing this on your own. So I have brought Erica on to talk about how you can grow your business and improve your customer experience just by putting yourself out there and creating some partnerships and maybe even some streamlining some systems along the way.
Challenge Your Own Thoughts – Jasmin Terrany
In this episode my guest is Jasmin Terrany and she is going to challenge your beliefs and your thoughts on motherhood parenting work-life balance and even success is all of this actually possible
Using Purpose to Build Your Brand – Alexandria Agresta
Salena Knight
Using Purpose to Build Your Brand – Alexandria Agresta
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First Name
“When customers have meaning in their purchases, they are empowered to be a part of a movement that is bigger than themselves. ”
What are the goals for life, for business? How to make the right decision? Listen to Alexandria’s inspiring story [11:47]
We all ask ourselves do I work out what my purpose is? [17:35]
Is it really important to get your purpose sorted out before or before you hire any more people [25:23]
If you could do just one thing, it would really have a chance to change your entire life. What would that one thing be? [35:05]
Alexandria square
Salena: Hey there and welcome to this week’s episode of the bringing business to retail podcast. I had a recent digital marketing conference, I know I’ve been harping on about it for quite some time. At that recent tropic and conversion conference, one of the repeating themes that came up was that, in order to grow, it is super important to automate your systems But once automation is paramount to business growth, I feel like some brands have forgotten that customers are real people. And in the ever-changing digital landscape, never has it been more important to build relationships, especially with your customers and just databases. So today I have on the show Alexandria from Purpose Pioneer and she is going to talk to us a little bit more about why you are doing what you are doing and how you can use that essence to grow your retail show.
What’s Holding You Back From Moving To The Next Level – Tommy Breedlove
Today’s guest this week is Tommy Breedlove. Now Tommy chose to leave a very lucrative international financial consulting career to follow his calling to help others with the same insecurities and struggles he faces everyday as a leader and as a man. Today on the show Tommy going to share with you his wisdom and his tools to rediscover your brilliance to achieve meaning balance and true happiness without compromising your financial and professional success. Now just before we jumped on to record we were talking about what topics we’re going to cover. Because Tommy is great in the finance department and you are going to be really excited if you’re in that middle level point where you have hit a plateau in your business.
Protecting Your Brand When Working With Influencers – Jamie Leiberman
We have all seen the stories of product brands that have been featured by people like Kim Kardashian and we wish that that could be us, we wish that we could just get a celebrity to take our product and flash it all over Instagram, but the fact, is that is not the beginning or the ending and there’s a lot of technical stuff as well as legal stuff that we need to put in place before we use influencer marketing. So, I have influencer marketing expert Jaime Lieberman on the show to share her tips and tricks and strategies to make sure that this avenue works for
Why Your Probably Breaking The Law Online – Richard Chapo
The Internet has been a godsend for us it means that we can sell our products and services anywhere in the world, but as it grows it becomes a legal minefield so today’s guest Richard Chapo is an internet lawyer and he is going to help us navigate just a teeny tiny part of the internet web laws that are out there we can’t cover all of them. But I’ve asked him to talk about a few of the key ones that are going to be relevant to you no matter where you are in the world.
The Bootstrapping Method To Building Authority – Josh Elledge
We’ve been talking a lot about PR and getting your brand out there, getting yourself out there in order to grow your business, but what happens when you just can’t afford a PR agency well today’s guest Josh Elledge is going to help you with exactly that he’s going to share some fantastic tips on how you can generate your own PR
Finding And Creating A Team That Loves Working For You – Suzie Price
Today’s guest is going to share with you some tips, some tricks, some hints, and some strategies on how you can not only hire the right people for your business, but also how you can motivate the people inside of your team. Suzie is committed to giving people the tools and resources that they need to break through to the next level of performance and that sounds like something executive.
Using Conflict To Create A Thriving Retail Business – Amanda Semenoff
This week on the show we have Amanda Semenoff and she is going to be sharing with us some great tips on how to deal with conflict which is something that comes up every single day in life and business.
How To Avoid The Pitfalls Of Manufacturing – Krisztina Holly
If you are a product creator, a product manufacturer or just a retailer who thinks that making your own products is going to give you a different revenue stream then today’s guest is definitely going to help you with some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your manufacturing.