Things I’ve Said No To Recently And Don’t Feel Guilty About



Salena Knight

Saying no is challenging, and to be honest, it made me feel like a failure.

But I’m here today to tell you that if you want to say no to the same things I’ve said no, the world doesn’t end. You might actually find yourself thinking, I should’ve done this a long time ago.

In this episode, I’ll share with you that 5 things I’ve said no these past few weeks and how it helped me.

** There are 9 strategies I use when helping retail/e-comm businesses move their stock fast so they can reinvest that money into new business. Head over to to know exactly what those 9 strategies are and how I use them.


Selena Knight, a retail growth strategist and multi-award-winning store owner, shares her experience of saying no to certain things in her life and business. She discusses five things she said no to, including keeping house, not spending money, chasing sales that aren’t worth it, and the nine-to-five work schedule. Selena emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and making decisions that align with personal and business goals. She also mentions the upcoming Retail Academy Live event, where attendees can gain clarity and build a plan to scale their businesses.


| **Timestamp** | **Summary** |
| ————- | ———– |
| 0:00:02 | Introduction to the podcast and topic of saying no |
| 0:02:23 | Feeling like a failure for saying no to certain things |
| 0:03:34 | Five things the speaker said no to recently |
| 0:04:06 | First thing: keeping house |
| 0:06:14 | Second thing: not spending money |
| 0:08:23 | Third thing: chasing sales that aren’t worth it |
| 0:10:24 | Fourth thing: saying no to the nine to five |
| 0:12:35 | Importance of having an end in sight for saying no |
| 0:17:28 | Importance of saying no to customers that aren’t a good fit |
| 0:22:10 | Need for short-lived hustle during busy seasons |
| 0:26:54 | Importance of knowing what makes you happy in business |


1. **A-(0:00:02)**
> “If you’re looking to get more sales, more customers, master your marketing, and ultimately take control of your retail or e-commerce business, then you’re in the right place.”

2. **A-(0:01:35)**
> “I need those helicopters that can come on in and water bomb everything and kind of build me some containment lines, because sometimes stuff in life just doesn’t go the way that you planned.”

3. **A-(0:03:34)**
> “When these things that we pride ourselves on get taken away from us, then it can kind of feel like the world itself, like all that normalcy, all those repetitive things that make you feel like you’re in the right place and that life is a constant.”

4. **A-(0:06:50)**
> “Over the last few weeks, it has been wildfire season in my life and in my business. And I’ll talk about more on that in another podcast. But I got to tell you, we cycled through all of the local takeaway options more than once.”

5. **A-(0:08:23)**
> “I actually just didn’t care. But at the same time, I was crying because I couldn’t deal with the mess and I couldn’t deal with the stress. And so I caved. I say I caved, but realistically, I came to my senses.”

6. **A-(0:10:55)**
> “The more money we make, the more people we serve. And this is one of those times when I feel really good about the fact that the more money that we make, the more people I get to serve.”

7. **A-(0:14:32)**
> “So what I have said no to is chasing the sales that aren’t worth it. Not just chasing the sale. Let’s just put a caveat here. Not chasing the sales in general, because the fact is, you’ve got to be out there.”

8. **A-(0:18:44)**
> “Being okay with losing a sale because a customer isn’t the right fit, or you know in your heart that it’s going to be much more difficult than just saying no. Being okay with saying no to money in those situations is a big ass CEO decision.”

9. **A-(0:22:10)**
> “There are times when you have to do the hustle thing. I keep bringing Christmas up because that’s kind of the big one that’s looming for you guys. But here’s the thing, it has to be a short-lived hustle.”

10. **A-(0:26:54)**
> “So what does that look like? What does happiness look like in your business? And realistically, what would have to change for you to have the business that you want?”


Show Notes

**About The Guest(s):**
Selena Knight is a retail growth strategist and multi-award-winning store owner. She helps retail and e-commerce businesses scale and achieve success through her strategies, tools, and insights.

In this episode, Selena Knight shares five things she said no to in order to regain control of her life and business during a challenging period. She discusses the importance of prioritizing self-care and making decisions that align with personal and business goals. Selena emphasizes the value of investing in support, such as hiring a housekeeper and seeking expert advice, to alleviate stress and improve overall well-being. She also encourages listeners to say no to sales that aren’t worth the time and effort, and to establish boundaries around work hours to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

**Key Takeaways:**
1. Prioritize self-care and invest in support to alleviate stress and improve well-being.
2. Say no to sales that aren’t worth the time and effort, and focus on attracting ideal customers.
3. Establish boundaries around work hours to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

– “The more money we make, the more people we serve.”
– “Stop coming and looking at these decisions from a lack perspective and start looking at it more on how can I make this happen.”
– “When you make the space for the good stuff by saying no to the bad stuff, it slots on in.”
– “Hustle cannot be your go-to. Grinding away isn’t doing anyone any favors in your business.”
– “What are the things that you’re saying yes to that you potentially should be saying no to?”

0:00:02 Salena Hey there and welcome to the Bringing Business to Retail podcast. If you’re looking to get more sales, more customers, master your marketing, and ultimately take control of your retail or e commerce business, then you’re in the right place. I’m Selena Knight, a retail growth strategist and multi award winning store owner whose superpower is uncovering exactly what your business requires to move to the next level.
0:00:33 Salena I’ll provide you with the strategies, the tools, and the insight you need to scale your store. All you need to do is take action. Ready to get started? Hey there and welcome to today’s episode of the Bringing Business to retail podcast. Now, I’ve made no secret of the fact that the last month or two have been really, really difficult. And you own your own business. You know what it’s like. Businesses go through seasons, and those seasons can sometimes be like wildfire seasons, and sometimes they’re a bit more like winter, where you can kind of sit back and you can rest and you can reflect and you can kind of store up all the good stuff and get ready to just kind of let your business do its thing. I and my friends have been in wildfire season, and I’d like to say that my life’s been a little bit out of control.
0:01:35 Salena I need those helicopters that can come on in and water bomb everything and kind of build me some containment lines, because sometimes stuff in life just doesn’t go the way that you planned. And what I have found is that over the last sort of four to six weeks, I have said no to a lot of things that I would normally have said yes to. And I’ll be honest, it made me feel like a failure. I mean, the things I’m going to share with you five things that I’ve said no to over the last month or bit more, and they were things that I kind of prided myself on being able to continue to do as a wife, as a mother, as a business owner, as a human.
0:02:23 Salena And when these things that we pride ourselves on get taken away from us, then it can kind of feel like the world itself, like all that normalcy, all those repetitive things that make you feel like you’re in the right place and that life is a constant. When those things disappear, then what can happen is on top of what’s happening in your life. It can feel like the rug is being pulled out from underneath you.
0:02:54 Salena But I am here today to tell you that if you want to say no to the same things that I have said no to, the world doesn’t end. In fact, what I have found is on the other side of living my way through it, that actually some of these things I really should have said no to a very, very long time ago. But what I did was I let my ego get in the way. And I let this constant need to be validated, to be amazing at all the things get in the way instead of just being okay with saying no.
0:03:34 Salena And so maybe some of these things will resonate with you. Maybe you have found yourself in a similar situation. I mean, Christmas is coming up and for you guys, Christmas is usually the busiest time of the year. We’ve got a few more weeks until you guys get into full on Christmas season. So with that up in the air, with that kind of sitting in the back of your mind, I want to share with you. I think I’ve got five things today that I have said no to and the world didn’t end.
0:04:06 Salena Okay, are you ready for them? The first thing I said no to was keeping house. Now, I have never been a good cleaner. I mean, fun fact, I actually had a job as a cleaner for a very short period of time. And I used to have to get up at 330 in the morning and do two different jobs, two different commercial premises, and they were on different sides of the city. It wasn’t a big deal at 334 o’clock in the morning, but I would go to one and it was in this really hip and happening restaurant and I would go and I would play Jamira Cry really, really loud. Just goes to show you what era this was in.
0:04:47 Salena Same CD all the time, CD. There you go. And I would put it in and I would just go about my work. But here’s the thing, I freaking hate cleaning. Like, it is just one of those things that frustrates me and stresses me and I just want to get it done as quick as possible. So I would finish up that job and then I would zip across the Harbor Bridge onto the north side of Sydney and then I would clean this other small cafe.
0:05:15 Salena And I remember this one time and basically my job was clean the bathrooms, wipe everything down, mop the floors, wipe the tables, and that was it. But I remember this one time I had arrived and they’d left all these dishes out and I thought, well, they’re going to expect me to do the dishes. I didn’t know how to use the commercial dishwasher, so put my rubber gloves on and off I went washing the dishes and there was a blender and I put it into the hot water and it smashed into a bunch of pieces.
0:05:46 Salena Nothing to do with me, just smashed into a bunch of pieces. And I remember thinking, they better not take this out of my paycheck. But that was kind of the beginning of the end because I realized that it wasn’t for me. And the thing is, I’ve had cleaners in the past who absolutely love cleaning. My friend Eleni. Oh, my God, she’s Greek. She says to me, I’m Greek. I love cleaning. It’s like therapy for me.
0:06:14 Salena Not the case in my situation. Anyway, we have had cleaners in the past. But here’s the thing, I didn’t need a cleaner right now. Well, I did need a cleaner. I kind of needed someone to put my life together. And I’ll be honest, if you came to my house yesterday, then it’s a very different story to what it looks like today. If you came to my house today, like right now, even after dinner, you would see a very clean and tidy house. You would see meals prepped in the fridge. You would see all the laundry done and folded. And here’s the thing, I did none of it.
0:06:50 Salena But if you came yesterday, highly different story. There was shit everywhere. To be blunt. There was a Mount Washmore in the laundry. There was nothing in the fridge. In fact, I’ll be honest, when our housekeeper came today, I realized I hadn’t done the grocery shopping. And I literally said to her, all I have in the fridge is like, what’s there? I did happen to buy some organic free range chicken fillets. And I was like, you’re just going to like, I’m really sorry, but just there’s some bananas over there to make some banana bread, and here’s some chicken. Like, go for your life. And kudos to her. She came up with she marinated the chicken and she cut all of the stir fry vegetables up. She even cooked the rice for me. And I had all these little containers with the zucchini and the carrots and the onion and some broccoli, and literally all I did was dump it in and everyone was fed and oh, my God, my life was amazing.
0:07:45 Salena But this house did not look like that yesterday. So over the last few weeks, it has been wildfire season in my life and in my business. And I’ll talk about more on that in another podcast. But I got to tell you, we cycled through all of the local takeaway options more than once, and we have a few to choose from between doctor visits and vet visits and recruiting and team training. And I’ll be honest, hiding in the corner and crying, I have had no physical or mental capacity to look after the house.
0:08:23 Salena I actually just didn’t care. But at the same time, I was crying because I couldn’t deal with the mess and I couldn’t deal with the stress. And so I caved. I say I caved, but realistically, I came to my senses. Even now, I feel like I need to justify it, but realistically, I don’t need to justify anything because I felt like Humpty Dumpty. I felt like I was falling off the wall. I was smashing to pieces. And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Sal together again.
0:08:59 Salena And no one benefits from that. My family don’t benefit, I don’t benefit. The business doesn’t benefit. Kudos to my team for picking up all the pieces over the last few weeks, but I didn’t want that. I want to be on the wall doing cartwheels, and if I happen to fall, there are people there to catch me. And if something breaks, there’s someone there to put it all back together again and say, don’t worry about it, Sal.
0:09:22 Salena I’ve got this. I’ve got this. And so I did. I did more recruiting, and I hired a housekeeper. And Melanie is amazing. She’s wonderful. In just a few short weeks, life is starting to become more organized and less chaotic and a lot more normal. But today, Melanie let on the fact that she really needed this job. All of these interest rate rises that we’ve been happening. In fact, her and her husband actually own their own business.
0:09:53 Salena But things have gotten so tight, and their mortgage repayments have gone up by over $1,000 a month, that she needed to find another job to supplement that income. And so when I started this, I was kind of justifying why I got a housekeeper. But realistically, the fact is, one, our lives are better for it, but so is Melanie and her family’s life, because I shouldn’t feel guilty because now I get to help somebody else out.
0:10:24 Salena She needs this job to be able to pay the mortgage and to keep their house, and she actually enjoys doing this stuff, unlike me. And so we have this saying in our business, which is, the more money we make, the more people we serve. And we say it with all of you guys. You’ve probably heard me say it before, and this is kind of one of those times when I feel really good about the fact that the more money that we make, the more people I get to serve. Yes, I get to serve you guys when you come in and you work with us.
0:10:55 Salena But I also get to serve Melanie and her family because without this role, they may not be able to keep the roof over their heads. And I wouldn’t want anyone to do that because I felt guilty about the fact that I couldn’t keep my house clean. So if you, my friends, are feeling like everything is on top of you and your house is a mess, I urge you to think about a housekeeper. And at this point in the podcast, I would probably digress, and I’m just going to quickly hint at this, and I’m probably going to go and record another podcast on this.
0:11:29 Salena But if your first thought is, I can’t afford that, or I would have to cut something out, I want you to flip the switch to instead being, I just need to sell some more stuff. Because that’s what I did when I had to work out. How much money did we need to employ? Melanie I just reverse engineered it, and I was like, how much more do I need to sell? Okay, let’s go and do it. Stop coming and looking at these decisions from a lack perspective and start looking at it more on how can I make this happen. Okay, that was a little sidebar.
0:12:04 Salena Now back to our regularly programmed schedule, which is not very regularly programmed at all because one of the things that I said no to, which is not on my list, was recording podcasts. I literally had no time and without the mental capacity to turn up and do the job well, I just didn’t want to do it at all. In fact, I actually recorded, I think, two or three podcasts that never went to air because even my team was saying, you sounded very distracted on them.
0:12:35 Salena That’s not the kind of professionalism that I want to put out there. Like, if I’m going to do it, I’ve got to sit down and do it well and give you guys the value. Because after all, if you’re going to spend your time like your valuable time listening to me, I’ve got to make it worth your while. So I also said no to recording a lot of podcasts, which is why right now I’m sitting down and trying to get quite a few done.
0:13:00 Salena All right, the next thing so the first thing I said no to was keeping house. The second thing I said no to was not spending money. Now, that’s a bit of a double negative, but here’s the thing. I am a tight ass. I don’t think anyone is ever going to deny that. But here’s the thing. I really, really value value, which sounds so silly, that’s like a double positive. But I’ve gotten to the point in my life where I understand that some things are worth spending money on, and it has taken a very long time for me to be okay, to be spending five figure amounts. Yes, that is tens of thousands of dollars to invest in my team and to grow my business. Like, once upon a time that was so far out of my capacity to even think contemplate that it was just not even an option.
0:14:02 Salena But these days, the truth is, even though it still makes me highly uncomfortable because I grew up really poor and I still have to analyze and justify things before I spend money on them. But when I can see the value and when I can map out the results that it’s going to bring, just like hiring millionaire, the housekeeper, it kind of makes the decision slightly easier to digest and to follow through with.
0:14:32 Salena So this last twelve months, I have spent more than six figures, I guess that’s more than $100,000, training my team and bringing in expertise into my business. And as a result, my involvement in the day to day stuff has significantly reduced and it is such a weight off my shoulders. My customers, you guys, my customers are getting much better results. You’re getting a better customer experience. You get access to a wealth of knowledge that’s not just me. Because guys, I would just like to say laura, if you are listening, thank you so much for the beautiful message that you sent saying that I am on your vision board.
0:15:18 Salena So shout out to Laura from time to grow because I don’t know everything. I’d like to think I know lots, but I don’t know everything. And so building a team around me that knows so much more, this is one of those instances when the sum of the whole is worth more than the parts. When you put all of us together, the results become exponentially better. And so normally I say no to spending money. Like I said, I’m a tight ass and there are things that I enjoy spending money on.
0:15:53 Salena But even then, I’m still looking for a bargain. But over these last few months well, over the last twelve months, I’ve spent $20,000 on a coach. I’ve spent $5,000 to have a series of emails written. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars bringing in people to help us refine systems and processes in the business and training my team. And the results just mean that the business is growing so much better and that all the crap, that kind of the wildfire that is happening in my life means this business still continues to thrive and our customers still continue to get everything that they need and more.
0:16:37 Salena Even if my life is like a giant pooh heap which I’m having to wade through and get out the other end. And so that’s the other thing that I have said. That the second thing I’ve said no to is not spending money. Even though that is a double negative. Okay? The next thing that I have said no to, and this one is probably going to it’s probably the most insightful when I’ve just told you about how much of a tight ass that I am and having grown up poor, but I’ve always needed to have money, let’s be honest, because of my background. And I’ve always had this, you might have this too, this number where if the money in the bank account drops below that, you literally start having heart palpitations and freaking out.
0:17:28 Salena And so, as a result, what I have found in the past, and like I said, you may have found this too, maybe you’re finding yourself answering Facebook and Instagram DMs at 11:00 at night or you’re putting up with pain in the ass customers because you feel like you can’t afford to lose the sale. Let’s be honest, when those customers happen, the only thing that ends up happening is it ends up costing you. It costs you in time, it costs you in effort.
0:17:59 Salena And let’s be real, it usually costs you in money because they either take up way more of your team’s time or they want discounts or they end up asking for their money back. So what I have said no to is chasing the sales that aren’t worth it. Not just chasing the sale. Let’s just put a caveat here. Not chasing the sales in general, because the fact is, you’ve got to be out there. You’ve got to be following your customers up. You’ve got to be emailing them, you’ve got to be calling them sometimes, you got to be doing wish list notifications, all that kind of stuff. So not chasing the sale, but chasing the sales because you’re desperate for the money.
0:18:44 Salena And so being okay with losing a sale because a customer isn’t the right fit, or you know in your heart that it’s going to be much more difficult than just saying no. Being okay with saying no to money in those situations is a big ass CEO decision. And that is a huge mindset shift that it has taken me many, many years to get past. But when you say no, here’s what I found from experience. When you say no to those people, the better customers just turn up.
0:19:29 Salena It is weird, the whole law of attraction thing, I guess. But we have said no to someone. And I love the fact that my team can do this as well. We’ve empowered them to be able to come and say, this person wants to come and join the Five X framework, but they’re already making demands. They’re already asking if they can skip forward. They’re already trying to do this, this, and this. And honestly, I don’t think they’re going to be a good fit because they’re just not going to do the work, and so they’re not going to get the results, and we’ll probably end up having to to refund them.
0:20:01 Salena The fact that my team can do that makes me so proud. But the fact that we can do it and not be freaking out about where is the next dollar going to come from? Is even better because we have built this ecosystem where as long as you’ve built the framework and you’re not just crossing your fingers and hoping that the next sale comes in, I mean, we spend an awful lot of money on ads. We’ve built an entire customer journey. We’ve built a funnel for sales funnel where people come in and they buy our products and then they move through the customer journey. It’s not like I just said, I don’t want the sale.
0:20:41 Salena We’ve built the system that will allow people and you should have this too. Doesn’t matter what kind of business you’re in, whether you’re a bricks and mortar business or you’re a pure play economist business. Oh, gosh, you can tell it’s been a very long day, can’t you? It doesn’t matter what kind of business model you have. You should always have a sales funnel, or some people call a customer funnel.
0:21:06 Salena People have to be able to find you. They have to be able to buy your products. And that is not just sitting back and passively hoping that they Google your business and they come and buy something. No. We actively have systems in place to continue to get customers, to nurture customers, to reach back out to customers, to reengage customers. And as a result, just last week when we said no to someone, the next day, bang.
0:21:32 Salena Two new people who are amazing and are all the kinds of people that we love to work with. I kind of feel like when you make the space for the good stuff by saying no to the bad stuff, it slots on in. And I know that’s a little bit woo, right? I can be a little bit woo. Not a lot woo. Just a little bit woo. So the third thing that I have said no to in the last few months is chasing the sales that just aren’t worth it. The ones that are giving me more time, more money and more effort than you ever wanted to put in.
0:22:10 Salena All righty, my last thing that I have said no to is the nine to five. Well, in my case, the seven till three. Those are the hours that I generally work 07:00 a.m. Till 03:00 P.m.. Sometimes a little bit earlier, I generally wake up at sort of 530 or so. Sometimes I’ll do 630 start if I have someone in America who I need to squeeze into my calendar. But generally by 03:00, I am done and dusted and I am out of here.
0:22:36 Salena It is time to walk the dogs. It is time to have a cup of tea. It’s time to hop in the sauna and call it a day. But I mentioned earlier on in this podcast that businesses go through seasons, and I really should do a podcast about that. And right now the business is in wildfire season. You guys are going to go through that in just a few weeks. When you hit Christmas, you know, that how it turns up in your business can be very, very different, how it manifests. But Christmas is one of those wildfire seasons, right? You are constantly throwing everything at it.
0:23:06 Salena You’re trying to get everything moved in, moved up, and get those people to buy your stuff before that season ends. So right now, my business is in a wildfire season and I can see the end. The end will be after our live event, the Retail Academy live fourth and 5 September. Once that happens, then we’re kind of going into hibernation, because for us, Christmas is not our key time. Yes, we’ll still be doing all the things, but all of the big projects will have finished for the year.
0:23:37 Salena So over the last ten or so years, I have spent an awful lot of time telling you guys to ditch the hustle, avoid the hustle. You don’t have to hustle in business. And whilst my business is generally pretty flexible and it’s pretty chill, like I go to the gym during the day, I can duck out and go to the shops if I need to. I can go to that doctor’s appointment or the vet’s appointment. Like I’m pretty flexible.
0:24:06 Salena The last three, four weeks, that’s not been an option. There’s been no flexibility. So there are times when you have to do the hustle thing. I keep bringing Christmas up because that’s kind of the big one that’s looming for you guys. But here’s the thing, it has to be a short lived hustle. Hustle cannot be your go to. Grinding away isn’t doing anyone any favors in your business. So it is okay to say no to the nine to five or whatever hours you guys usually work as long as you know where the end is.
0:24:42 Salena And like I said, for us, I know that we’ve still got another month or so to continue on like this. It is easing up a little bit right now, but it is knowing that we just have to get through this and then we’re guaranteed to have a break. Not we just have to get through this and then through this and then through this and then I might take a break because that is no way to run a business. It’s not good for you.
0:25:07 Salena It’s not good for your team. It’s certainly not good for your customers because it just means that everything is going to be ad hoc. Everything is going to be sporadic and nothing is going to be done well. So I would urge you to say if you’re going to say no to your version of the nine to five, then what does that look like and when is the end? What is your nine to five? At the end of the day, it’s your business.
0:25:36 Salena You have built it to build a life of freedom. Maybe it is to be able to go to the gym or walk the dogs or go to the school concert or help out at the canteen or whatever that looks like for you. But if you’re not having the ability to do those things, what I want you to think about is what are the things that you’re saying yes to that maybe the world would be okay if you said no to. Because I’ve walked the walk, I’ve talked the talk, I’ve lived through it and the world hasn’t ended. The world hasn’t ended because I had to work a little bit more. The world hasn’t ended because I’ve said no to certain people and taking their money.
0:26:21 Salena The world hasn’t ended because I’ve said yes to spending more money. My bank account is a little bit lighter but the business is growing as a result of it. And the world certainly did not end because I said no to keeping house and hiring a housekeeper. And so to finish this episode off, what I want you to do, what I would love you to take away and if you’re happy to share it with me, I would love to hear is, what are the things that you’re saying yes to that you potentially should be saying no to?
0:26:54 Salena And what is it going to take for you to be happy in your life and in your business right now? Because if you’re saying yes to all the things, you’re generally not happy. You’re generally very overwhelmed, very stressed, and quite often you feel guilty. I know I certainly did. I felt guilty because I wasn’t doing all these things. And when I kind of did them, I was doing them really, really poorly, and it really wasn’t worth anyone’s effort.
0:27:22 Salena And when you’re not in a great headspace, even if it’s a headspace of your own creation trying to think of the right word there, even if it’s a headspace of your own creation where you feel a certain way, even though your family don’t care that the house is a bit messy or the fact that they’re having takeaway whatever that looks like, if it’s a situation of your own making and the only alternative is that you have the ability to change that situation because you created the situation.
0:27:58 Salena So what does that look like? What does happiness look like in your business? And realistically, what would have to change for you to have the business that you want? There you go. I would love it if you share that with me. Make sure that you tag me on Instagram or Facebook, send me a DM. And just before I wrap this up, that kind of brought me to the fact that I kind of mentioned during this episode, TRA Live, the retail academy live.
0:28:32 Salena And I’ve got another podcast that I’ve recorded, I don’t know if it’s gone live yet or not about how I completely changed the agenda for that. And that’s because I spoke with a whole bunch of people. I do this every few months, is I’ll just get on the phones and talk to you guys and see what your problems are right now. What are the obstacles that you’ve got? What do you need us to help you with? And the thing that came up over and over and over again, I was actually flabbergasted.
0:29:06 Salena I was thinking, did someone prep these people for these answers? But the thing that came up over and literally every single call was, I just wish someone would tell me what to do. And or, I just wish I knew what to do. So if that’s something that you feel that you need help with and you want to come and hang out with the team and I in Melbourne this fourth and 5 September. I got the dates right this time. It’s a Monday and a Tuesday.
0:29:37 Salena Come and hang out with us for two whole days in person, because that is exactly what we are going to do. This is not a conference. It is a live action days. Two days. A live action two days where we’re going to help you work out. What it is in your business that you want. What does it look like? Going to get you the clarity. We’re going to show you how to build a cult brand. We’re going to help you build out the plan.
0:30:03 Salena So when you leave in your hot little hands, you will have the plan that you need to work to through that Christmas period to scale your business. And so, my friends, if you are listening to this and you have bought one of my programs and you have one of those golden tickets sitting inside of the training portal, inside of the retail academy training portal, I urge you to go and redeem that free ticket to the retail academy live in Melbourne.
0:30:37 Salena If you are not one of our clients, if you are not one of our amazing customers who are inside of the training portal, then here’s a tip. If you jump in to my Nine Ways to move Stock Masterclass, which you can find, there’s a link in my Instagram bio. If you go to the website, you’ll see it there. Inventory Masterclass. If you grab that, I have gifted you guys a ticket to that event. Now, tickets will be on sale if there’s any spaces left, but they are a $2,000 ticket and you, my friends, can come for free.
0:31:20 Salena It is my gift to you. But I am strictly limited by the venue on how many seats we can have because it is a gorgeous venue, absolutely stunning. It is not a big conference with a gazillion chairs. This is a bespoke custom event to help you build out the plan to scale your business. The team will be there. I will be there. We have some amazing speakers, but most of all, we are taking action. So if that sounds like something that would help you grow your business, make sure you jump inside of the portal, redeem your golden ticket or head to theretalacademy net live and you will see all of the information there.
0:32:07 Salena Okay, my friends, I can’t wait to see you on next week’s episode of the Bringing Business to Retail podcast. And please, if you have found this helpful, please leave me a review. I am terrible at asking for reviews, but I would love you forever if you could leave me a review. Let’s share the love, spread the word, and help more independent retailers to scale their businesses because we need better places to shop and we need places like yours.
0:32:35 Salena All righty, thank you so much for listening and I will see you on next week’s episode. Bye. So that’s a wrap. I’d love to hear what insight you’ve gotten from this episode and how you’re going to put it into action. If you’re a social kind of person, follow me at the Selena Knight and make sure to leave a comment and let me know. And if this episode made you think a little bit differently or gave you some inspiration or perhaps gave you the kick that you needed to take action, then please take a couple of minutes to leave me a review.
0:33:10 Salena On your platform of choice. Because the more reviews the show gets, the more independent retail and ecommerce stores just like yours, that we can help to scale. And when that happens, it’s a win for you, a win for your community, and a win for your customers. I’ll see you on the next episode.




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