Are you feeling overwhelmed, bored, or disconnected from your business? Feel like no one can do things as good as you ever could?
Maybe, your business just misses you, and it’s crying out for attention, just like a toddler after nap time.
In this eye-opening episode, I’ll share my personal journey PLUS my steps to help you take back control of your business and reignite your passion.
Discover how to identify the current “season” of your business and make strategic shifts to maximize your upcoming peak sales period.
Learn the mindset shifts and team management tactics that will transform your business from a source of dread to a fulfilling venture.
And how to embrace the challenges, to take away stress and overwhelm (and even the boredom).
Preparing for Q4 and Peak Season 0:02
The Importance of Business Seasons and Control 3:42
Tina’s Story and Business Overwhelm 5:29
Reclaiming Control and Business Reflection 9:14
Challenges and Changes in Business 13:51
The Role of Challenges and Team Dynamics 17:35
Taking Action and Reflection 18:13
Final Thoughts and Call to Action 21:38
Hey there and welcome to the bringing business to retail podcast. If you're looking to get more sales, more customers, master your marketing and ultimately take control of your retail or e-commerce business.
Then you're in.
The right place.
I'm Celina Knight, a retail growth strategist and multi award-winning store owner whose superpower is uncovering exactly what your business requires to move to the next level. I'll provide you with the strategies, the tools and the insight you need to scale your store.
To do is take.
Action ready to get?
Last episode I created a podcast all about e-mail marketing, and on that podcast I have noted that it was a somewhat selfish episode because I knew that it was a key area of my business that we need to focus on. And so in doing the research for you.
It's really research, some online business and how we can connect better with our customers and when we can do that, we build a better customer experience on Autopilot. And of course, when we put all that together, we can increase our revenue.
What I didn't know when I recorded that episode is that it would end up leading into a series of podcasts all about how you can use this time right now in the lead up to Q4 to put the foundations in place to leverage that upcoming peak season.
Because there are.
No do overs. If you get this wrong.
You could miss out on 3040 even 70% of your annual revenue. And I say that because I know from experience and I also know from all the retail and e-commerce stores that we work with and from the research about that period between October and January.
For a lot of retailers will bring in up to 70% of their annual revenue and if that's you, then I'm sure that you can understand how deeply important it is to get your business ready right now to maximize those sales. And that is what I'm doing.
On this series of podcasts.
Now, just like in nature, there are different seasons in our business. There are those, some of those of energy which tend to happen in Q4 with Black Friday Cyber Monday's day.
And will lead up to Christmas.
There are also those.
Months when it's a little bit smaller.
Where we take our time and.
We assess where our business has been and really been headed and are those people. Look at those slow.
As scary as something to be avoided at all costs, because what happens is you get less customers, which means you get less sales. So when you're turning over less revenue, it can be a really scary place to be. But the reality is you cannot be.
On all the time we do need that time in our business, in our lives to reflect and to reassess and to realign so that we are making the best decision.
I mean, there's the spring season, you know that times of the rule of letting go of the stuff that didn't work and realigning our focus and getting ready for that peak burst and letting it up right now, we are realigning, we are fertilizing organically. Of course we are.
Getting the garden.
Beds ready and we are planting the seeds now. Those seasons in business may not online with the seasons in Nature where you are well they are very.
And they happen.
And that is why it is so important to be in control of your business, to step back and take that mackerel as you when the time calls for it.
And then deeper diving into the nitty gritty, not just getting stuck in the day-to-day, this is especially pertinent to me right now as we have been putting the foundations in for serious growth. I spent a lot of time reading and researching and I've taken a lot of ways on the box.
Than the book 10X is easier than 2X by Doctor Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan. In fact, they have taken so much away from that book that I plan on doing an episode all about how it's changed my life and change my business and give you some of the takeaways for you to implement, potentially in your business.
Your business, but if you want to go and read that book, I highly recommend it. 10X is easier than two X. What do these new foundations look like as we ramp up to a new level? Because we are stuck? Or if you have Plato, it's really easy to just keep doing what you've always done.
Turn off the boat. Don't take any risks. Just do a little bit more and you might move the needle. Sort a little bit.
And this happens when that passion, that spark, that drive that you once had, then that drove you to learn how to build a website or stay up late drafting emails or.
You point to day ends, that thing that white, the thing that's spoiled you on that ends up dimming. And I'm here to tell you that if you feel like you've lost that spark, either through all the wall or disinterest, your business misses you and it really, really wants you back.
You might be just like the business.
Owner that I.
Work with. Let's call her Tina. I worked with Tina and had some really great conversations. So if you're looking for a way to find.
Your way back.
Into your business, a way to sign that spark. Let me share what happened with Tina. Tina have been in business around eight years.
And she had an online store that was generating $3,000,000 a year. Now so many retailers making $3,000,000 a year is a.
Tina her business felt like a drag. Her days were spent fighting fires.
She was always.
Double checking the work that she asked her team.
To do, I mean she.
Had built this business where she had people doing things where she didn't have to do all the work, but every time she asked him to do something she thought she.
Needed to double check.
All their work. She was checking things off the list, but it felt like there was never enough time and that To Do List never got any shorter. On top of that, the agency that she'd hired to do her ads was constantly asking for more money.
When she was looking at the business, the sales didn't seem to be skyrocketing in like they promised when she wasn't run off her feet, she was just playing bored with the business, she said. Me, it just seems like more and more work, not that freedom that everyone seems to talk about. When does the freedom come?
And during the conversation, she looked at me and she said, Sam, what am I doing wrong? I thought when I got to this point, it would just be.
Easy, but it's not. I am bored and overwhelmed at the same time. How is that even possible to you, my friend? I know exactly how you feel, and I'm sharing this story because I have been here just like Tina. I have been in this position and to me, I know I was not making the best decisions.
When I was scared or worried or overwhelmed or frustrated, or when I.
Check out now if you can.
Relate to train the.
Scenario from my experience, this is the.
Tap on the.
Shoulder that you have been looking for, it is time to step back and take control of your business.
Because right now.
If that's the way you're feeling, you are not in control of your business, is controlling you.
And when this happens, your business is just missing you. When it misses you just like a child, it is going to misbehave and try to get your attention just like a.
Total would think about it.
What's going to happen if you are in control of your business because you are overwhelmed or you?
Have checked out.
There will be no strategic direction. There will be no leadership and no pivoting. If you need to. If that has a stain glass on what is happening, then your team has either. If you have checked out, it doesn't breed a culture of all the chambers and collaborators, now does it?
View marshland.
As a perimeter of your.
How you behave is how your team will behave if you are overwhelmed.
They will feel overwhelmed.
If you are checking out they.
Will check out.
Now contrast that with what it feels like when you have been in control of your business and you know this your work feels fulfilling.
You get excited about.
Turning up every.
Day stuff gets done and what seems like no time at all. I I signed that time slides.
You get filled with great ideas. I mean, you have so many great ideas that you end up you like me. You end up asking Siri to take notes or you're getting your phone out and typing them into the notes section of.
Your phone but.
You have the focus and the clarity and the wherewithal to identify which one of those great ideas.
These should actually get implemented when you're in control of your business. You should energize and excited rather than drained. And like there's just.
More and more to do.
And when you're in control of your business, your team will pick up the slack without you having to name them. You do your best work when you have clarity.
And when you have clarity, you are confident in the decisions that you need to make, which of course puts you back in control. Now first I think it's important to look.
What season you are at in your business? If you are ready to take back control, these are the steps that I shared with Tina and that I have done in my own life and the first one is I really do think you need to look at which season is your business at. Are you overwhelmed because it is that?
Slower recalibration period when instead of using the time to reflect and reassess and plan, you are stressing out trying to implement 200 things because sales of jobs or are you bored because.
You feed us the adrenaline that comes with peak season and signing all the fires. So when there are no fires to fight with, everything's going OK. You mentally check out and that happens quite a lot because entrepreneurs, business owners, we love challenges. We love that adrenaline.
Needing to get things done even though we complained about the fact that we are exhausted and overwhelmed thinking about which season of your business you're in, is it as simple as?
You're focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time because you haven't taken that high level view of your business and mapped out your business cycle. What does that look like for you? Is your peak season the summer is your peak season in the winter. Sit there and this and you're near.
What those peaks and troughs look like? So your business now as I mentioned, so a lot of peak, a lot of businesses peak season is coming up. We have Father's Day, we have Black Friday, summer Monday, we have Thanksgiving, we have Halloween and then we have Christmas maybe not in that order, but if you don't have.
The team and the tech and the resources to ensure that the season that you're in is going to run as smoothly as possible, or if you have just checked out because you know that things will just plod along without your input, things will be OK, but the business.
Isn't really going to grow then.
It is time to reassess, so once.
You have looked.
At where your business is at which season your business is in, which part of the annual business cycle, if you will be technical, which part of the annual business cycle are you in and how are you reacting in that time? The next thing that I like to look at is if you?
Feel like you're constantly being dragged down, either through overwhelm or boring, and that can happen. You can feel like this is just all too much because you're too busy or because you're bored. Then it is time to just reconsider.
What do you want in this business and?
What is your?
Role in the business and there is no right or wrong answer here.
If you have.
Checked out and you are done. Then perhaps it's time to look at selling the business, but I will bet you that right now your business is not in a saleable position. What is it going to be? Do you take a few dollars?
And just get rid of it. Do you just take what the cost of inventory is and a little bit extra?
Or you have this opportunity to reflect and decide that actually you want a reasonable price. In fact, you are great price for all of the effort that you have sunk into this business. You have put your blood, sweat and tears and your money into it, and you want a return after all.
Businesses, therefore, to give us a return on our investment and if that.
Is where you.
Are you need to get your business business owners?
OK, you've checked that you've done sell the business you want to sell it for parts or do you want to sell it for top dollar? It's amazing how many people actually do fall back.
In love with their.
Business because they have that focus, they need, they have the vision.
They have that.
End point. They know what they want. They have the clarity.
Which gives them the drive to make changes. Remember when you have the clarity you.
Will be more confident in your decision.
When you know where you're.
Going it is easier to make decisions to get there. In fact, that ties back a lot to the book I was telling you about. 10X is easier than two. X is if you have this 10X mindset, what do we have to do to get to 10X rather than two XA whole bunch of just stuff?
That you will.
Still in your time.
Just disappears because you you could try.
To expand that, I will definitely be another podcast on that. So as I mentioned before, as business owners, what I generally sign is that we all those challenges. So when the challenge is gone or when the business becomes challenging, those are different scenarios. That's when the cracks.
Start to show.
So if your business isn't a challenge, what do you need to change? If your business is challenging?
And you're finding it overwhelming and sustaining. What do you need to change? Who do you need to change? You will change. Need to change. Not only your mindset.
And that's the hardest part. If I can be honest, it is your mindset.
That is affecting.
Where the business is at, but you also have to change your teams.
Because not everybody is going to be on board when you decide to throw everything back in, or if you decide to step back if you are in that quiet time and you are reflecting and your team are used to you, you're pushing, pushing, pushing and you're like hold on.
We're going to be.
OK, we're going to take this time to step back and reflect, and it's the same thing. If you decide to.
Jump back in and go all in if you have checked out and now all of a sudden you're back, you're back in the business.
The new team are going to are going to struggle and not everyone is.
Going to be on.
Board what I find is when there is change that you will have some people who embrace the change if you.
Keep your eyes and targets.
In place they have just been looking for structure.
And they are so on board with their renewed energy. But then there are also people who.
They they just want to turn up and get paid. They don't want to be responsible. They don't want to have to deal with targets or KPI's or performance reviews.
You will lose.
People, regardless of which you're changing, make change, will always be resisted, and so some people will embrace it and some.
When you make changes in your business, it doesn't matter which changes they are. Your team will change.
Whether you're bored.
Or overwhelmed. And if it if it were overwhelmed because you are struggling with the business being challenging rather than the business being a challenge, a challenge or lights us up, a challenge gives us something to sink our TV. A challenge is something we look forward to and we love to brainstorm and.
Workout the problems.
Tends to have that negative effect. Challenging is when you are struggling. That may not be the technical term, but this is what I signed when I talk to business owners. The kind of language you are using is another challenge. But when something is challenging, it tends to be in the negative and so one of the things.
Whether you've checked it out or whether you're sailing all the world is work out what it is that you like to sink your teeth in when it is a challenge. What which part of the challenge do you like? Do you like to problem solve? Do you like to get your hands dirty and get in and and work with your team and?
Doing things, think about the things that when you start doing you.
Seek yourself into them so you will walk out and just wonder where the time has gone. I know for me sometimes when I'm on a roll writing I just get stuck in the content. I I get so embraced. You're so engrossed, embraced, engrossed. Then I will look up.
In an hour and a half or two hours has gone. So think about whether those things in your business and if the answer is none of those things, well, then perhaps it is time to look at moving on. You know, use this time to put those things in place to make sure that post.
Business your business is worth more because.
You have put.
All of these things in place.
We need to know what lights you up in your business. What I will say here is a word of warning is don't get caught up in the constant need for validation. And that generally comes with fighting fires. If you are just looking to tick things off a box because it makes you feel.
Then you're working on the wrong things, and the things that you should be working on in your business.
Take time. They are the vision. They are the strategy. It is not micromanaging. And trust me, if you get away from sighting science, not only will you be a happier person, your family will thank you and your dreams will thank you. So if you are ready to fall back in love with your business because hey, your business misses you.
And we would really love to see you happy and energized and with the vision and with focus and with passion checking with yourself and checking with your business.
If you're ready to take control and be energized and excited again, here's my advice that I gave. Tina grab a cup of tea or Margarita and get yourself a notebook and spend some uninterrupted time looking at the season that you're in, looking at how you're showing up.
And looking at whether you are in control of your business or whether the business controls.
You work out what it is you want, and maybe that's changed. Maybe what you wanted when you.
First started out.
Maybe it was just something to do in the time, or maybe it was to help lots of people and maybe now you realize what you really want is to make a lot of money and sell this business.
At a certain point.
It doesn't matter what the answer is. The answer to me is different to the answer for you.
But take this time, take some space in your life and think about what you want from your business and what it should be giving back to you. And if that is changed, that's OK. So think about what challenges you what do you enjoy doing? Quite often, we think is that what we really.
Is to have this business that works without us and just sitting on the beach, sipping migrated. But here's the thing. Most businessman I know, workaholics. Like I said, they love the challenges. They cannot sit still. They need to take their energy and focus it on something that gives them results.
And that is my advice to you. Take the energy that you have and focus it on something that gets you results. Give your team challenges. Just like us, your team want to be validated. They want to feel like they can do a great job. So give them challenges.
Push them a little bit KPIs, stop them. So you and for them, because businesses are not built on one person alone, you need to have a team around you. A great leader is not constantly depleted and they understand the importance of having a plan and having the right people.
And having the vision to get there.
Thank you so.
Very much still listening. I hope this episode has been helpful and I would love it if you could leave me a review.
So that's a wrap. I'd love to hear what insight you've gotten from this episode and how you're going to put it into action if you're a social kind of person. Follow me.
At the Celina night and make sure to leave a comment and let me know and if this episode made you think a little bit differently or gave you some inspiration, or perhaps gave you the kick that you needed to take action.
Then please take a couple of minutes to leave me a review on your platform of choice, because the more reviews the show gets, the more independent retail and e-commerce stores just like yours that we can help to scale. And when that happens, it's a win for you, a win for your community and a win.
All your customers. I'll see you on the next episode.