Last-Minute Sales Strategies to Maximize Holiday Revenue

Are you ready to turn the Christmas chaos into your secret weapon?

With just days left, now’s the perfect time to step up and make the most of these final shopping days.

In this episode, I’m sharing five powerful strategies you can implement right now to boost your holiday sales. I’ll show you how to create urgency with ‘last-chance’ messaging, offer irresistible flash sales, and promote digital gift cards as the perfect last-minute solution. If you offer local pick-up or delivery, now’s the time to highlight that convenience.

And don’t forget to tease your post-holiday sales to keep your customers engaged long after the season ends.

Ready to finish strong? Make it easy for your customers, create urgency, and you’ll set yourself up for a big start to the New Year!

Leveraging Urgency with Last Chance Messaging 0:01

Offering Flash Sales to Create Excitement 3:50

Promoting Digital and Physical Gift Cards 5:36

Making Local Pickup or Delivery a Selling Point 7:22

Teasing Post-Holiday Sales to Build Excitement 9:58

Recap of Strategies to Maximize Sales 11:16

Final Thoughts and Call to Action 12:44

Hey there,
Sal here!

Ready to step up and scale your business…I’ve got you!

LISTEN NOW on The Bringing Business To Retail Podcast

00:00:01 Salena Knight

Hey there and welcome to the bringing business to retail podcast. If you're looking to get more sales, more customers, master your marketing and ultimately take control of your retail or ecommerce business.

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Then you're in.

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Right place.



00:00:18 Salena Knight

I'm Selena Knight, a retail growth strategist and multi award-winning store owner whose superpower is uncovering exactly what your business requires to move to the next.

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Level I'll provide you with the strategies, the tools and the insight you need to scale your store.

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All you need to do is take action.

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Ready to get started?

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Hey there, Can you believe?

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We are in the final stretch before Christmas, just a few days for shoppers to grab their last minute gifts and I know that personally I am on that list of people I have not done my shopping. Every year I try and be prepared.

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Every year.

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I ask my family what they might like, and the answer is crickets queue a last minute scramble for me to try and find something I love giving gifts, and I put a lot of effort into it. But cue that last minute rush to try and find something that.

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Be shipped fast enough? Because I do not like going to the mall at Christmas time and B is thoughtful.

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So if you are feeling the crunch and trust me, your customers are probably feeling it even more if they are anything like me.

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Yeah, and that means for you that this is the perfect time to step up and serve them well.

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The board is for you.

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Is it means you maximise your holiday revenue?

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Today I'm sharing 5 quick last minute strategies that you can implement right now.

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To make the most of those final shopping days.

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So let's make sure that you end this season on.

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High note.

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OK, you got your pen and paper.



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Let's dive in.

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#1 leverage urgency.

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With last chance messaging.

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So here's the thing, people procrastinate.

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It is human nature, but what always loses interaction is the fear of missing out a deadline and the fear of missing out. And you can tap into that fear in a really nice way without being.

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You know, too dramatic, but you can tap into that with very clear time sensitive messaging.

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Think about using phrases like only two days left for guaranteed Christmas delivery.

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Trust me when I say if I see an e-mail that says that, or if I see a banner on a website that says that I am getting my credit card out and making.

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A decision.

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So we are using that fear of missing out something along the lines of only X days left for guaranteed delivery or order by a spec.

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For local pickup in time for the holidays.

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I like that one for bricks and mortar store because it it's saying try and be a little bit prepared and you know we might not have everything if you leave it to the last minute. Probably my all time favorite though is.

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Stock is running low.

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Grab yours before it's gone.

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So think about those messages and how you can convey that fear of missing out to your customers and put those messages front and center on your website.

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In e-mail subject line everywhere that you can think about it, even in your store windows, the key is to make them feel like they have to act right now because they do. If they want their gifts, they have to act right now.

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All right, my second way to leverage this time is to offer flash sales that create excitement.

00:04:00 Salena Knight

So here's a little secret. Everyone loves a good deal, especially during the holidays, and you might feel coming out of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and then that lead up to Christmas that you have been promoed out, but you don't have to discount your entire.

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Store or you go and put everything on sale instead.

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Just choose a few key items to promote with a short term flash sale, and when I say flash I mean flash. For example 24 hour sale.

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20% off I guess.

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Or even Sandy won't believe these prices, but therefore today only.

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The shorter.

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Window and I don't even care if you bring these down to hourly like I have seen great results when you do only for the next 60 minutes.

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But the shorter the window, and to be fair, if you've got to do something like that, you probably need to be using something like SMS marketing to make sure that they're timely.

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But the shorter the window.

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The more urgency you create, in fact.

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One of my friends.

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Is also an artist. The amazing Fiona Chandler does this every let's.

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I feel like it might be every month it.

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Be every week but.

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On Thursday, at a specific time.

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The first person to comment sold.

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Gets a painting of hers. And let's be honest, her paintings go for.

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Thousands of dollars.

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But you can grab one of her paintings for I think she charges $275, and that includes the frame and postage.

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She does it as a list building exercise and she really wants to give back to people to make sure that they can everyone can afford.

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Art. But that time frame of like it's going to go live and she sends out an e-mail the night before that says at 9:00 AM tomorrow or at 10:00 AM tomorrow, the 1st person. And you can bet your bottom dollar that she is flooded with people who want.

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So make the window short and.

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Leverage those flash sales.

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Alright, #3, please, please, please promote digital gift cards or even physical gift cards as the perfect gift. Because let us face it, we have all been there scrambling for that last minute gift.

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Whether it's your son's girlfriend or aunty Sarah brings along her new bow. There's.

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A time.

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Place for last minute gift cards.

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And this is where they become your secret weapon.

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You could end up with people like.

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Who can't find what they want to buy, and so I just buy the gift card, and sometimes I'll even put with the gift card an idea of what I might like to get them.

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I might print it out, but if I'm not 100%.

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A gift card is always the safe bet.

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So highlight gift cards as the.

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For shoppers who?

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Out of time and out of ID's and you can do that by using messaging like still shopping.

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The gift of choice with digital gift cards.

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They're delivered instantly.

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Make it very easy for your customers to find them on your website.

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Have them at your.

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Of sale. Make sure that you.

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Are selling gift cards as much as you possibly can.

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Mean literally right up until Christmas morning.

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And so.

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Easy for people to find them and emphasise that they are hassle free. No weight solutions. Everybody loves them all right.

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We've done 3 so far #4 make.

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This one for the bricks and.

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Store make pickup.

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Or delivery.

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And actual selling.

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So if you have a brick and mortar location, or if you can deliver.

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Locally, and if you have an ecommerce business.

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One of those.

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Secrets that I'm going to tell you is that if you are in a position to be able to do this, you should be implementing things like door Dash and Uber because now is the time to tell.

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From the rooftops that you.

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There to get.

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Their gifts to them so you could use phrases like shop online and pick up in store.

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Or local delivery available if you order by put your date in here or if you've partnered with someone like Uber or DoorDash to get those items to customers in a flash, you could literally say.

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Delivery within 60 minutes. If you have that capacity that is going to set you apart.

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I've just used.

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I've always been an Uber person, but I got a DoorDash subscription with my Amazon Prime, and I used DoorDash.

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For the.

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Time last night and I have to say, the idea of getting things delivered when I had been working from 6:00 AM in the morning right through.

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7:00 PM.

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Having somebody bring me something even though.

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I knew.

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The one item I got delivered, which was some.

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Street food.

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With $7.00 more not including delivery fees, the actual price of the item was $7.00 more than if I had hopped.

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My car to go get it.

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But the cost to me in energy and time and getting the car out of the garage and all that kind of stuff, I was prepared to pay the $7.00 and the delivery fee.

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Do not.

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Put any hang ups that you might have about spending for delivery or paying extra to get things in a hurry because customers are willing to pay more, especially at this time of year. And we love the conventions.

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If there are anything like me of not having to navigate the mall, I mean, even I'm a parking ninja, I always get a park.

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The concept of trying to find a park in a mall at Christmas just.

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Me running the other way.

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So pro tip, if you can add a personal touch like gift wrapping that is going to be an even bigger win. So.

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Think about how you can utilize ways to get your product to your customer. Quick, smart and promote the.

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Out of that.

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All right, so done for so far.

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#5 if you are out of ideas or you've already implemented some of the things I've just mentioned, what I would love for you to do.

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Is to tease your post holiday.

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And I'm going to tell you right now, you are going to feel like you have done nothing but promote from the middle of November all the way through to January.

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That's OK, because this is the time when you make your money so people are actively opening emails.



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Are coming to your website, people are subscribing.

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Are coming into your store.

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Use this holiday momentum.

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To build excitement for what is coming.

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Next, tease those new year promotions and encourage shoppers to subscribe to your e-mail list to make sure that they get first dibs on deals or make sure that they're signed up to your SMS list to make sure that they get notified ahead of everybody else and you can.

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Messaging like don't miss out on our biggest sale of the year.

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Starting December 26 here in Australia, we have Boxing Day sale.

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And if you have worked on promotions with your suppliers that you haven't promoted up until now, this is what you wanna be promoting. New Year new savings. Sign up now.

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Be the first to shop.

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Really just keep it simple.

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Just tell it like it is.

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By giving people an idea of what is coming up, it's going to keep them engaged even after the holidays. And if they got a gift card to your store, they now have a reason to come and use it.

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Let's quickly recap those five ways that you can maximize sales.

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First off, we had leverage urgency with last chance messaging. The second one was offering flash sales that create excitement.

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And #3 promote those digital gift cards for people like me who are always looking at the last minute.

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Four make local pickup or delivery a selling point, and if you haven't already partnered with Postmates, door Dash, Uber, whoever it is in your local area, that can get things to people fast. I highly encourage you to do that now and and don't be worried, just back on.

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Don't be worried if you have to increase your prices to do so, because people are prepared to pay.

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And #5 tease those post holiday sales.

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Out as soon as your current promotions end.

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So here's the bottom line.

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The final shopping days for this holiday season are your chance to.

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They are the chance for you to maximize the money that goes into your account.

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And by creating urgency, offering really quick solutions and making things as easy as possible for your customers, not only will you maximize sales, but you will build loyalty that lasts far beyond December.

00:12:43 Salena Knight

Guys, thank you so much for listening to this week's podcast.

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I wish you and your family an amazing Christmas, a happy.

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And I will see you back here.

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Just after Christmas with some great tips on how you can recover from the holiday season.

00:13:02 Salena Knight

Alrighty, thank you so much for listening.

00:13:04 Salena Knight

I deeply appreciate it and I will.

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You after the holidays.

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So that's a wrap. I'd love to hear what insight you've gotten from this episode and how you're going to put it.

00:13:17 Salena Knight

If you're.

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Social kind of person. Follow me at the Selena night and make sure to leave a comment and let me know.

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And if this episode made you think a little bit differently or gave you some inspiration, or perhaps gave you the kick that you needed to take action, then please take a couple of minutes to leave me a review.

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On your platform of choice, because the more reviews the show gets, the more independent retail and ecommerce stores just like yours.

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That we can help to scale and when that happens, it's a win for you. A win for your community and a win for your customers.

00:13:55 Salena Knight

I'll see you on the next episode.

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