How To Get 25X ROAS From Google Ads – Raj El-Ali

Want to know the secrets to getting 25 times your money back from Google Ads? 

Tune into my latest podcast where I sit down with digital marketing expert Raj from Web Eagles. 

He’ll reveal how one ecom brand saw massive growth through strategic campaign optimizations. 

I grill Raj on their specific tactics, from keyword research to site changes to budget allocation. 

You’ll be on the edge of your seat learning new tools and techniques to boost returns. 

Did you know dynamic campaigns could transform results? 

Find out just how on this episode, along with actionable tips to up your game against competitors. Don’t miss my informative discussion with Raj – you’ll leave with strategies to take your Google Ads to the next level and grow your bottom line.

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WebEagles is led by our Managing Director, Raj, an accomplished professional with over 20 years’ experience in sales and marketing, and 12 years’ experience in digital marketing. Raj holds accountability and integrity in the highest regard and sets the standard for his team. He is passionate about building the right culture and is proud to attract the best professionals in the digital industry.

The list of household names that Raj has worked with includes ANZ Bank, The Travel Corporation, Video Ezy, Schenker DB, DP World, Invocare, Mortgage Choice, EY and Mad Mex to name a few. He won the Number 1 Club Award in 2008 for Optus Business for leading a team of 30 people to develop an innovative solution for the Luxottica Group.

He has a Bachelor of Engineering specialising in Advanced Networks and Management and has spent the last 12 years working with and supporting businesses build successful digital strategies. Raj is an ‘outside the box’ creative thinker and always finds a way to deliver results for his clients.

In his spare time, you can find Raj enjoying a game of golf, practising Brazilian jujitsu or playing with his son RJ. His philosophy on business and life is that you can’t succeed until you’ve failed first. So try something new, don’t be afraid to be a beginner and keep at it until you’ve become a master.

Google Ads for e-commerce stores, debunking myths and sharing success stories. 0:02

Using keyword research to improve SEO and PPC campaigns. 4:02

SEO and AdWords strategies for a motorsports company. 9:34

Advertising strategies for a motorsports company, including the importance of understanding customer lifetime value and the need for hands-on campaign management. 15:02

Google Ads, Shopping, and Performance Max campaigns. 20:08

Optimizing Google AdWords campaigns for e-commerce businesses. 25:57

Using SEMrush for keyword research and budget allocation for Google Ads. 31:15

Ad spend optimization for e-commerce businesses. 34:44

Unknown Speaker 00:02
Hey there, and welcome to the bringing business to retail podcast. If you're looking to get more sales, more customers, master your marketing, and ultimately take control of your retail or E commerce business, then you're in the right place. I'm Celina Knight, a retail growth strategist and multi award winning store owner whose superpower is uncovering exactly what your business requires. To move to the next level, I'll provide you with the strategies, the tools, and the insight you need to scale your store. All you need to do is take action, ready to get started?

Unknown Speaker 00:52
Hey there, and welcome to today's episode of The bringing business to retail podcast. Now, I don't know about you. But Google ads don't seem anywhere as intuitive as the meta platform. Now I know that the meta platform is kind of a bit tricky when you jump in. But honestly, even still, to this day, Google Ads freak me out. I never quite understand what I'm supposed to be doing, which is why I have people who do that kind of stuff for me. But today, we are going to bust a whole bunch of myths out the door when it comes to Google ads and how you can sometimes be, I'm going to say taken advantage of when it comes to agencies. So some things to look out for if you're going to look at outsourcing this, but also some of the great results that retail and ecommerce store owners can see if they're using ADS. And today, Raj from web Eagles is going to tell us all about it. Welcome to the show, Raj. How are you? Good, we have had so much fun talking about some of these cases, but use cases case studies that you guys have been working on when it comes to e commerce. And I have to say some of these numbers are. But if I as a business owner, if some an agency was bringing this to me, I am super excited, you know, 10x row as 20x row as what are the secrets, the secret is to really understand the market, understand the business and understand what they're trying to achieve. Obviously, with a commerce, you're trying to drive more sales. But it's the secret is trying to find those customers that are searching for those products, and then connecting them with that online store. That's basically that's all you have to do. How you get there is is the science that I guess that's the hard part, isn't it like it the the results in the end near the end goal is what we all want. But it's the getting there that trips us up quite a bit. So tell me a little bit about I know we were just talking before we jumped on about a motor sports is how you pronounce it is that what I'm not in the world of bikes and motorcycles and cross country. So if I've called it the wrong thing, I apologize. But tell us a little bit about

Unknown Speaker 03:09
tell us about the e commerce Store that you worked with, because those results are just like one of many that I really want to dig into and see how you managed to get them from where they were to where they are, because that's what everybody listening here wants to know, how do I get from where I am now to where I want to be? Yeah, so this was an old friend of mine from school. I've known him for over 30 years, shows my age. But he came to me because he knew this was my game. And he had a business where they sold engines and parts to

Unknown Speaker 03:46
sort of enthusiast so people that are doing DIY, they're building their own motors, they're, you know, souping up their their cars. That's my brother in law. He has had like a car of many descriptions in his garage for as long as he has been married to my sister, which is 20 years. And it always infuriates her so I can see who your target market would be. That's it. That's it. And there's so much money, honestly. So in we're in the wrong industry. I know. I know, like when you find out the parts that go into the car are worth more than the car if he went to sell it.

Unknown Speaker 04:20
That's exactly right. So they had an online store very basic, it was on Shopify.

Unknown Speaker 04:26
And we went in there and just started doing the research. So what were their customers searching for? What were the key words and phrases that they were typing into Google? And we built a plan around that. So we understood exactly what those words are, and the volume so how many people each month was searching for those words. And the biggest mistake that we make as business owners is we get stuck in our own jargon and we use our own language. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 04:53
You need to get out of is is breaking away from that and yes look in the car enthusiast market. There is a lot of

Unknown Speaker 05:00
jargon that even that customers are searching for. But you don't you want to move away from just focusing on the language you use, and use the language that they use. And so by researching that understanding those key words, we were able to shape a lot of the content on the website, and a lot of the ad copy so and it really resonated with them and really allowed us to connect with those customers. So can I ask you how you did it. And when you said that, the first thing that comes to my mind is in fashion, I still to this day, like I understand it, but I don't get it exactly what you're talking about. Even in the industry, there's a thing called outerwear. Now, outerwear is things like your jackets, your raincoats, like all the other kind of stuff you wear outside of your clothes. And for years, I was just like, What is this outerwear category. And I was clicking on it was like, oh, it's coat. Why don't they just call it coats and jackets like that just seems like so much it makes so much more sense. But as the retailer when you go to buy, your suppliers are calling it outerwear, so you're calling it outerwear. But actually your customers are just searching for a pink jacket. Or a pink winter jacket. Yeah. So that's spot on. Right. And it's it's understanding the intention behind the words that are used, right. So if someone is searching for how to install my motor, you know that that's someone just doing research, they're looking for information, they might be looking to buy down the track, that they're not at the right place at the right time. Now they're just looking for information. But if they searched for LS one motor, you know, they've got buyer intent, they know what they want, and they're looking to buy it. So by understanding what that mix is, you can get find out what the customer is up to in their buying cycle. And then if you have a mix of those words, both research and sort of transactional keywords that we talked about. And it may be descriptive words, they could be brand related words, and they could be very specific words about what that thing is that they want. You end up connecting with them properly. So how are we finding these phrases? Because we've talked, we've talked on this podcast before about things like Google Google Keyword search, or answer the public, but how are you like your behind the scenes? What kind of tools are you using to really map out? So just to be clear, what we're doing at this point in our research is were mapping out what our research the type of terms that people would use? What are transactional type of terms? And was there a third category? I didn't write that down? If there is, it is more sort of informational. There's navigational as well, just kind of similar to informational. But yeah, so the transactional and commercial Keywords are the ones where they're looking to buy. And that's really going to help you with your budget, too, isn't it? Yeah, that's right. So where are we finding these? Yeah, so we use tools like SEMrush. We use Google's keyword tool as well, to understand what those keywords are that people are searching for that we can include within our campaign. We look at tools like Google's trend, trending target trends, we use that a lot. Yep, that's, that's amazing for seasonal businesses, just understanding if, hey, I'm going into Christmas, and my store is going to be selling more, let's look at some of the mix of the keywords and see which ones are going to be trending highest, which might be the best ones to focus on straightaway. So they're the sort of tools that we use. But then we build the plans, we call it the key word plan around the themes. So when when you're looking at key words, don't just focus on one key word, or two key words or three, look at a key word and look at all the variations or the different ways that customers might be searching for that particular word. And then build a topic build a theme around that, because that's how Google works. That's how, if you're doing a dynamic search ad, they're looking and scanning the site for where that key word might be mapped to on the site. And so if you've done your research, you know the words that people are searching for around that topic. You've set it up on the right page, whether it's a product page or a category page, then you stand the best chance of Google being able to pick up that page. Serve it up when people are searching for those words and maximize your chance of making sense to going back to our mode. Is motorsports the correct term because that's what I'm calling it. And I have no idea if I'm calling it the wrong thing. They literally called Malik's motorsports. Okay, great. Okay, I wrote motorsports down in my notes and I'm like, Was that just what I was calling it in my head or is that actually a proper term? Okay, so going back to the motorsports company, can you give us an example of how we would build that theme out? Like, what are we what are we starting with and where are we going from there? So you've literally got

Unknown Speaker 10:00
And I'm talking to your audience who might have a wide vast variety of different sorts of products that that they would sell. Within our mix, we've got, you know, Deluxe includes motorsports, we've got safety, where we've got furniture, outdoor furniture, indoor furniture that we're running campaigns for. Really, you've just got to think from a business point of view. So rather than thinking from Search and Google point of view, think from your business's point of view, what are the category of products that you have, and then break it down into those categories, and then do your research around those categories. So the way Google works, and the way search engines work is it's top down. So basically start with the most general representation of your business. So in this in this case, with with mallex, it's motor sports car parts that would describe their things obvious, right? Like, it's, like, speak to it, like you're speaking to a five year old, let's see it. So that's, that's at the homepage level of view, if you like, and then breaking it down from there, they'll go, you know, car motors, car accessories, data, so then you break it down by categories, and then further down from that, another layer down, you look at the individual products, because people might be searching for those individual products as well. So that's how we would break it down. And Google does a thing called url to keyword mapping. So then mapping your keywords to the URLs or sections of your site. And let's say you've got to think hierarchically. Okay, so we've found the terminology. So back to our motorsports company, let's say they're going to focus on they've done some analysis, and they've worked out that engines, Intel that this is really my realm of expertise, that engines are the thing that is high margin, and kind of medium volume. Is that something that you would suggest that they go after? Or are you looking at high volume, high margin, high volume, low margin, like, how do you choose? Because like you said, you could have 5000 skews? How do you choose which ones you're going to spend your money on getting in front of people. So sentimental sports pie, it was an interesting one, because we started with SEO with them before starting that we've gone to AdWords, and we built up, you know, 10 to 15 times return on investment to the point where we could open up the conversation to talk about other avenues of how we can position them. And then AdWords came into play. And so they, they, their line to me was, hey, we need to be making 10 times return on adspend. Or it's not worth pursuing. Because a lot of those products have a lower margin, because they've got to go through, you know, supplier in the US to a distributor to them. So there's a lot of people in the supply chain, which means that their margin is a lot lower. So they needed to make 10 times that return on adspend. To make it worthwhile. Send it right now, since we spoke last week, they're sitting on 25 times. That's amazing, good work. And that's really important. Because I think that if we can just like move to the side here for a minute sidebar, which is so many people outsource to an agency and ads agency and SEO agency, whatever kind of agency with no clear expectation of what they want, they just want more sales or more people to the website. But the fact that this company came to you and said, actually looking at our margins on this particular product, if we're going to promote this, we need 10x to make it work. Now that might not might not be the case for everything. But you know, you're doing 25, who's gonna say no to that. I mean, with with AdWords, some of the metrics, you're chasing the cost per acquisition. So in customer lead, you might have heard that term in the sort of the online store, world and in the AdWords world, a cost per lead usually is a cost per sale, because the conversions that you're tracking, the leads that you're tracking on the website, are more often than not successful completions of the shopping cart. And so what you're looking to do is if my product is selling for $100, let's say my margin is $20. And it's costing me $10 per sale of $10 per lead to get that sale, then you're only making $10. So it's not about the $100 that you've sold it for. It's what you're keeping at the end of the day, because it doesn't make sense if your your margin is $20 and it's costing you $30 or $40. To try to get that sound. It's costing you money to try to get those sales and it's just it's not worthwhile. So you have to understand your products you have to understand your margins, and then understand that cost per acquisition metric and trading

Unknown Speaker 15:00
Get that down as much as possible. Yep. And I guess that also depends on customer lifetime value. If you've got something that is a recurring people buy every single month, the amount that you're going to be okay with spending to get that customer would be very different to something like, I was gonna say, your motorsports company, but I feel like people who buy that stuff, buy it very often. But let's just say something you might buy seasonally, once a year. And so you know that you're only getting one sale a year from a customer or five sales a year from a customer. And so you have to weigh those two things up very differently. Because if you know that you your customer lifetime value is x, then you can spend more or less to get your customer. So there's, there are metrics that go into this that I think a lot of people forget to put forward. But I also think a lot of agencies forget to ask. And I think that is where people come unstuck. The conversations we have, as I'm sure you have with your, your customers, your audiences in those businesses, is more business oriented rather than marketing or search or Google oriented. So understanding their business, understanding their mix of the products that they have, how much money they're actually making, and keeping at the end of the day, really informs the campaign. So you have to have those conversations, first, be part of their business, understand their business, understand what they're trying to achieve. Before you can build the campaigns. This it's not a one size fit all. I've got some more specific questions. But before we get in, if we can just stay with the motorsports company for now. You went from 10x When we were speaking at the bid a couple of weeks ago to think you were sitting on something like 18 When we spoke last week, and now we're at 25, can you tell me what you've done to get them from there, from 10 to 25%.

Unknown Speaker 16:48
It's so campaigns learned, right? So we we don't use automated tools or anything like that we do use Google's does sort of dynamic sort of machine learning campaigns. But that's a portion of our campaigns, so that those campaigns they call performance Max campaigns, and they tend to dynamically create the ads and find people that are in market. So if people have shown an intention, or they've searched for a particular word, then it'll serve up those ads for them where we're learning. So we're using that to inform our sort of manual static search ads that we've created. And and we're finding where the conversions are coming from. So if in a particular keyword, we find that we've made a sale, then yeah, I like the way you light up when you say that you're watching the video, he just like sits up, but he's got a big smile on his face.

Unknown Speaker 17:47
It informs me you get excited, right, because you got amazing, I've made a sale. But more importantly, I've made a sale from this adverb from that key word. And then what happens is the following week, you allocate a bit more of the budget towards that.

Unknown Speaker 18:04
And so it's very hands on the way we manage our ads. And so as a result, you'll find Week One was versus week for month one versus month four is very different. And, and even for the same budget, if you're doing it properly, and you keeping an eye on the performance and your understanding that sort of the metrics and getting insight from that data, you can really inform the campaign and perform better and better and better as you go along. I think this is a really important thing to take away and not to dismiss people doing things themselves like it is always great to jump in and at least have a go. So you have an understanding of the systems, the tech, the kind of

Unknown Speaker 18:47
the jargon that you might be looking at the reports you might be looking at. But you also have to appreciate that doing ads of whatever, I don't care which platform it is having run and owned an ad agency, I can say this with hand on heart, and I'm sure you can too, which is it's not a dibble dabble kind of thing. If you are going to jump in and start running ads, you have to put aside a good chunk, I used to put aside a half a day if I was going in to start your ad campaigns, because by the time you get through your head, like you've looked at the analysis, you get through your head, what you've mapped out what you want to do, you start allocating budgets, then you've got the creatives and you've got the copy. And that stuff isn't done in five minutes. And so I think this is one of the other places that people get tripped up is they think they can set and forget, like they might set up their Google Shopping. And then you know, they get a few you know, they get a few sales and then they kind of think Oh, that's great. I'll just let it keep doing what it has to do.

Unknown Speaker 19:45
The challenge also there so they know is that you have to deal with the psychology of

Unknown Speaker 19:50
sort of advertising and and your own brand. More often than not someone that is managing their own campaigns for their own business.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
If he's too close to the problem, and they're too emotional center, what they end up doing is they do whatever it takes to be number one. And sometimes that's not where you want to be. So you don't want to be at the top of the Google ads, beating the highest cost per click to be in that position. Because you the oftentimes, the difference between being number one and number two is huge. And so if you're paying borders of magnitude more, to be in that number one position, you're using up your budget a lot quicker. And so quite often, if you're managing yourself, and you don't know what you're doing, and you kind of learning on the job set spec, you can, it can be very, very costly. You're better off just going getting a Google certification first, for nothing, or paying very little and and learning it properly, before you sort of dig up dabble or outsource it to someone that does it every day. And then there are people at different budgets where it makes sense to do one and set to the other. But I think what we're both trying to say here is it's not, it's something you have to commit to not just something that you set and forget. Which leads me perfectly to my conversation around you mentioned Google Performance Max earlier. I am a huge advocate. And please feel free to jump in and correct me if I'm wrong. of Google Shopping, because I buy so much online. And I will like my daughter was looking for a pink leotard the other day. So like an adult. Yeah, because she's a grown up pink leotard. And that's first thing I search for, I do not have time to be opening every single dance website to see if they have what she has, like I just typed in, you know, size eight, women's pink leotard Google Shopping, showed it to her. And then she was like, well, they don't work in sizes. But that's beside the point.

Unknown Speaker 21:52
I kind of feel that if you are in retail or E commerce, and you are not on Google Shopping, you are doing yourself a disservice. Please feel free to jump in and tell me I am wrong.

Unknown Speaker 22:05
I wish I could, you know. So people need to understand that Google Shopping and Google search are two different things. So your Google Ads account doesn't automatically put you onto Google Shopping. So the Google Ads account allows you to create the text ads, you can even do display banner ads, that shows up on different sites.

Unknown Speaker 22:25
But the Google Shopping is basically the Google Merchant account. So you've got to set up a Google Merchant Account and run it on there. I love love love Google Shopping. Big simply because it's a lower cost per click. It's right there, it's very digital tent, it's very much intense. So you show up for those products that people are searching for. And you tend to get it's you tend to get a higher return on adspend through shopping than what you do with text ads. Some of the drawbacks include the fact that you can't really position the product. So you can't really sell the value, you can't write a description, or have the promotion, you can have like discount promotions on there. But it's very transactional, it's a very much a commodity. So it's your product versus your competitors product right next to each other with the price underneath.

Unknown Speaker 23:20
And sometimes maybe a discount off up in. That's the only drawback. But within a mix of a greater AdWords, Google search strategy, it's absolutely awesome. And allows you to just upload a product feed to Google Merchant account, and then you get going. Google Shopping is part of the motorsport clouds campaign. And that's part of what's allowing them to get 25x return. That's awesome. So we have the Google search is going to be those more text and banners that we might see if we go to like a news website, or any of those click Beatty type websites that run on ads, you're going to see them over there. And then we have Google Shopping. So what is performance Max?

Unknown Speaker 24:08
Performance Max is essentially Google's machine learning tool. It allows you to create dynamic ads, and serve them up dynamically. So you basically tell Google, these are the topics. These are the products and services that I'm putting out there. And you broadly design it, but then it actually dynamically picks up the pages within the site to map to those to those products or services into those key words. So unlike the traditional standard search ads, where you say, I want this, this, this and this key word map to this page with this ad copy, performance Max is more dynamic. The beauty of it and why it's important to include in the mix is it learns really quickly. It's aI essentially

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Do It and AI is here to stay. And if your audience is afraid of AI,

Unknown Speaker 25:06
we talk a lot about it I have done inside of our 5x framework. And inside of scale your store, I've shown some of the things that are out there for AI, but we actually use AI quite a bit in our business. And, you know, there's pros, and there's cons. But for us at the moment, the pros far outweigh the cons and the customer experience that comes as a result and the learnings that we get from it make a huge difference. So I mean, the fact is, it's here to stay, it's only going to get better and better and better. So I think we have to embrace the fact that it's always going to be right, but it's something we need to think about. And then look, my favorite part of the performance Max campaigns is, as I said before, the intent sets basically, they call it sort of the affinity sort of intention. If if someone is in market, someone is showing intention, that they're looking for a product or they're researching a product if someone is in a particular area. So if you've got a service area, and that customer has explored things within that area, or that regional sort of coverage, you can serve up your ads to them, they're very dynamic, and it learns really quickly from there. So there, it's an awesome, awesome, sort of Google Adword strategy that to include within the overall plan. And so what it happened that if your product is out of stock, Google could still end up mapping to that product, and therefore you're losing money or wasting money, potentially. So it's up to you as the store owner to make sure that everything is up to date. And if something is, you've run out and you don't want to be selling something, you've got to take it out. So you've got to take it out of the mix. That's why it's everything to do with AdWords is so hands on, like you've got to be on top of it. Otherwise, you could be Yeah, you could absolutely be earning money. But you could also be making 25x rise.

Unknown Speaker 27:09
Which is great. So if people are trying to maybe think about jumping into the whole Google stratosphere, or if they have been there and kind of felt like they got a little bit burnt, where would you suggest they start?

Unknown Speaker 27:24
Okay, start with your website, where our

Unknown Speaker 27:31
app philosophy when it comes to AdWords, when it comes to Google search is take a holistic view. So don't throw money at the problem. Don't think that Google ads, the silver bullet is going to be the solution to all your problems and are going to just magically increase your sales. Part of how we achieved the 25 times row as with the motorsports client is we fixed up their navigation. So they had a horrendous menu at the top that was cluttered and it was hard to navigate.

Unknown Speaker 28:06
We fixed it up and we cleaned it. And now it's so much easier to find the categories and the products. So things like your UX, so your user experience on the website, and the navigation

Unknown Speaker 28:18
where your products are laid out. So sometimes we find shop owners have a massive description with a big banner. And the products are all the way down the bottom, because they read somewhere that that it's good for SEO.

Unknown Speaker 28:33
Correct, right. So then we say, Hey, let me prove something to you. And this is an awesome tool that I recommend to everyone listening Hajah download and install it on your website and let it run for a couple of weeks. Essentially, what it does is that heat maps your website, so it records every session that comes on your website. And as every user is going through and clicking and moving the mouse, it follows them there creates a heat map for you for the most popular sections of the site. So we had a furniture client a few years ago, where we installed a jar on there. And she had a button in the menu called clearance. And that was the most popular section on the homepage. So so what we recommended to her was, why don't we move all the products out of the clearance page and put it on the homepage. We did that and then increased her sales tremendously with just that simple move. didn't touch the ad budget didn't change that. It just shot her sales through the roof, because that's what people were looking for. So that's such so important. And in fact, it's funny you say that because I just got off a call before these were their marketing people. And that was one of the things I just said about my website was as someone fresh to the website, they didn't think they could navigate it well, and we you know, what I would say there is when we've done research in the past

Unknown Speaker 30:00
So this is what we ended up with. But things changed the way people shop change, you know, post COVID were more savvy online shoppers. So what worked two years ago doesn't necessarily work now. And so I was like, Okay, well, let's work out what we need to change it to.

Unknown Speaker 30:16
That's it. Yeah. So that's exactly right. And so take a holistic view, you know, how quickly as your website loading or your images too big of a role format, if your website is loading slowly, then people might bounce away and look for someone else, the market can be very, very fickle. If like you said before, if you don't have stock, if the inventory is not there, they're going to look elsewhere. So look at everything, look at the website itself,

Unknown Speaker 30:44
and start the campaign. So really understand. So like I said before, look at tools like SEMrush, or Google's keyword tool, they've got a keyword free keyword tool inside the AdWords accounts, start doing some research to map out those key words against your products. And just really look at look at your competitors, look at what they're doing. Like if you're in the same space as someone that does exactly the same as what you do.

Unknown Speaker 31:12
Look at what's working for them. SEMrush, not advertising Sorry, I just have to jump in here. We were talking with one of our clients the other day, and she is one of three, I think three or four stores in the whole of Australia who sell this particular brand. And only one competitor showed up for this brand. And I'm like, why are you not leveraging the bejesus out of that because you literally have one person. And you only realistically you have three competitors in the whole of Australia, and you only have one other person who's advertising like throw some budget into that. That's it. That's it. And so SEMrush has this amazing feature called the keyword gap tool. So what you do is you pick your, your website, so you put your website in there, pick three or four other competitor websites, ideally, a couple of them should have a strong presence on Google. And then and then let that run. And what it does is it kind of creates days, circles of keywords that they cover that they're advertising for, that they're being found for. And then it shows you the overlap, which ones it's similar to others. And then you can kind of see when you're missing out on that peak competitors that obviously sell the same products that you do. So that then you can see what you're missing out on. And what you could potentially include in your mix. That gives you a lot of inspiration for what to target. That sounds amazing. And then when you combine that with looking at your website, and then even going back to looking at the margins you have on products and the volume that you're selling, then you can kind of put it all together and build out a much more holistic plan rather than just connecting up your feet and crossing your fingers with fingers and hoping that you get some sales. Yeah, that's that's not the whole marketing there. There's got to be intent. Yeah, I just want to quickly jump in and ask you about budget. Like realistically, like I always say to people, you would probably vomit if you knew how much I spent on ads.

Unknown Speaker 33:11
But realistically, what can you start out with just to make sure like what is a realistic starting out budget, whether you're doing this yourself or whether you're working with an agency, so excluding agency fees, but in terms of ad spend, what would a retail ecommerce store have to be spending each month to get a really good idea as to whether Google ads is the right platform for them? That's a good question. And my response is how long is a piece of string? Every industry is different. Every niche has a different average cost per click. So one of the ways that you can work out what you should be spending is build up your keywords. So use SEMrush SEMrush also gives you your CPC per keyword so you can work out what your average cost per click is.

Unknown Speaker 34:01
Really what you're after is to get as much of the recall in the in the industry impression share as possible. So if you have let's say, an average cost per click of $5

Unknown Speaker 34:15
for each keyword, on average, and let's say you set a budget of $10 a day, then you got to keep in mind that you're going to use up your budget within two clicks. So so the the argument that I presented is there's a potential customer of yours comes on your website in the morning, and they've clicked your ad that come to your website. Inevitably. They they might leave so for whatever reason we hardly ever buy on the first click right like we look we look at competitors we come back we see if they've got this size in stock. We see if they got anything else so I can qualify for free shipping. No one wants to pay for shipping, or the boss walks in

Unknown Speaker 35:00
The grass, kids walk in and what's up, Deena, that's it. And then and then you log on again and later in the afternoon. And if, if that advertisers budget had run out, then an advertiser doesn't have a strong organic presence, or, or any social presence or what have you, and that customer has logged on to Google, then they're not going to see you, they're going to look at your competitor, or whoever else is there. So the idea is that you want to be present for as long as possible within that day, so that that person who may have come back to your site a couple of times, has the best chance possible of converting to a sale. I'm kind of answering your question around about way, with the motorsports guys, we were spending about 1000 a month

Unknown Speaker 35:45
is that, Oh, I thought you're gonna say $1,000 day 1000. To start with, we only literally started a few weeks ago 2000 To start, but they're doing it very strategically, in that they've said, we just want to focus on these products, we worked out what the average CPC was, and how much that would need to spend to get the most bang for buck. And getting that obviously, now they're saying, Okay, we want to introduce this line of products and this line of products and this line of products. And so they'll increase their spend, but we're doing it very considered. So that's the other thing as well as work out what you need to spend as a minimum to be able to serve up your ad as much as possible, and then test it, get the sales from it, get the return, and then expand and reinvest, rather than going in there and saying, Okay, I'm going to spend $10,000 A month straightaway. Yeah, I think that's a very, I think that's very sage advice is if you only have, especially if you only have a small budget, or you just want to test it out, is don't test everything. Because you know, it is that spray and pray, everything gets diluted, like choose those, do this research that you've just said and put together a core group or a core category of products that you think you could actually get a return on. And so just to be clear, some people may not be familiar with the term, bro as its return on adspend. So that means your motorsports company is spending $1,000 And making $25,000 worth of sales. So that's what we mean when we're talking about return on adspend. But every dollar that they're spending, they're getting it 25 times return. So $25 for every $1, which we would do all day, every day.

Unknown Speaker 37:23

Unknown Speaker 37:25
Raj, this has been fantastic. I've actually taken a page full of notes here. So I always think that this is a great interview, if I'm sitting here with a page full of notes, the resources that you've given us a fantastic I've got SEMrush we've got the keyword tool, this keyword gap tool I am dying to get in and just that I run my own ads these days, but just kind of jump in and see where those gaps are that even just for me for content, like I know, that's not everybody. But for me for content. It's like where are these gaps? Because if there are gaps, then I can not only create a product for you. But yeah, there's an opportunity there. So thank you so much for sharing all of this. If people are thinking this guy knows what he talks about, and I want some of that 25x return on adspend. Where can they get in touch with you? So companies, web eagles, or wherever he goes under there, you jump on, send us a send us a note or give us a call? Almost. And you work with people all over the world, not just in Australia just to be correct. We've got Yeah, we've got clients in Europe, US, New Zealand. Yeah, well, however, I love that. Because if people in the US just go, Oh my gosh, my money goes so much further.

Unknown Speaker 38:37
It is amazing. Just put that money into ad spend instead. Roger, thank you so much for sharing all of this with us. And I'm excited to go in and learn some new things about the keyword gap tool.

Unknown Speaker 38:52
So that's a wrap. I'd love to hear what insight you've gotten from this episode, and how you're going to put it into action. If you're a social kind of person, follow me at the Selena Knight. And make sure to leave a comment. And let me know. And if this episode made you think a little bit differently, or gave you some inspiration, or perhaps gave you the kick that you needed to take action. Then please take a couple of minutes to leave me a review on your platform of choice. Because the more reviews the show gets, the more independent retail and E commerce stores just like yours, that we can help to scale. And when that happens, it's a win for you. A win for your community, and a win for your customers. I'll see you on the next episode.

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