Are you still looking to take your retail or e-commerce business to the next level this year? This episode might be the one you need. When it feels like everything has just snowballed and you’ve got a lot of things to do, how do you know which one to focus on?
The Episode You Were Never Meant To Hear
For those of us who own retail and eCommerce stores, December’s all about demands and pressures. Plus, so many of us have found 2023 rough… and it’s so easy to let these situations hold you down.
If you’re feeling like 2023 was a bit (or a lot) rough – here are my words of advice… the breakdown often comes before the breakthrough. You may not see the breakthrough coming when you’re in it, but little by little, it’s on its way.
Tune in to this podcast episode to find that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
4 Things You Need To Triple The Value Of Your Business
Do you know the four things you need to do to triple the value of your business? These four steps are free, simple, and can set your business up for a potential future sale for a price that’s not just satisfying… it’s sexy. Dive into this week’s episode to discover the 4 things you need to triple the value of your business.
4 Leadership Mistakes I Find Myself Repeating
It’s 7:59 am, and I’m just about to hop on to our daily team meeting. Our meetings are pretty light-hearted, we share a joke, walk through issues that have come up and review what’s happened over the last 24 hours.When my coach told me I HAD to implement them, I did so begrudgingly.But, he was right.Daily team meetings have changed our business and really increased team engagement.
The Simple Question To Answer Your Biggest Hiring Decision
Have I ever told you the story about how I hired someone to work in my shop, and about a year later, found out she’d started her own online business the week after she got the job in my store…..essentially selling the exact same stuff?
Your Great Ideas Are Running Your Business Into The Ground
Last week, I had the opportunity to talk with a fabulous retailer in New Zealand about her business.
She was doing well…
She had significantly increased revenue since purchasing the business…
She went on to tell me about how she listens to the podcast on her drive into the shop and excitedly tells her team about what she learned and all the things they need to implement.
I’ll admit, it’s always heartwarming and flattering to hear someone say they get value from the podcast.
But, even though I had that warm fuzzy feeling in my heart, ALARM BELLS were going off in my head…
Because this was THE EXACT SAME SCENARIO that I had once found myself in. And it was one of the worst days of my business life.
Listen in for what happened next.
Cindy Gersch: What Happens When Your Entire World Collapses
Cindy Gersch believes that even if you’re at the worst possible place, you can still dig your way out of it and make your dreams come true.
Amazing Financial Advice…From My 14yo
It’s not very often I’ll tell you to take financial advice from a teenager.
But, this is one of those moments in life ,where you think, “OM, I did ok at this parenting thing”
Not only did you teach your child something valuable, BUT THEY LISTENED!!!!
Alita Harvey-Rodriguez: The Innovative Way To Grow Without Blowing Your Budget
Change doesn’t need to be big and world-changing. It can be tiny tweaks that can compound and grow your business overtime.
Find out in this episode what are these small things, why we shouldn’t resist change, why do we need to slow down in order to scale your business.
Can Business Be A Game?
What would happen if you looked at business like a game? And you were the coach?
Let’s jump in and find out!