Should you exhibit at an expo/retail trade show as a retailer?

Hi! I'm Marie

You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.

Should you exhibit at an expo/retail trade show as a retailer?

Trade fairs – you either love them or hate them. Eleventy billion people crammed into a hall. It’s noisy, you often get heckled for your details by every stall owner, even more often you end up spending way more than you should, because it was on sale.

With most expo/trade fair stalls running into thousands of dollars, as a retailer, should you stump up the cash for a stand?

Today we’re talking about whether, as a retailer, it’s worth your money to have a stand at a trade fair. Ok, so let’s start with talking about the benefits of having a stand at a trade fair.  The biggest one is access to thousands, or even tens of thousands of customer in your niche market.

Brand awareness, product awareness, and of course, sales.  The downside of trade fairs is they usually run into the thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars, buy the time you’ve paid for the stand, organised printing, shelving, props, wages, transport, parking, food, and potentially accommodation, and of course stock. Now as a retailer, the margins often just aren’t there, to be able to turn a profit from a trade fair.  So I’m going to let you in on my 3 top ways you can exhibit at a trade fair, without it breaking the bank

Grab Your “Trade Show As A Retailer” Retail Biz Strategy

Do you have any other trade fair solutions that work for your retail store? I’d love to hear about them, so pop your experiences in the comments below.

Grab Your “Trade Show As A Retailer” Retail Biz Strategy

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