The Ugly Truth About Why What Your Customer Wears Reveals Your Product Selection Failures

Hi! I'm Marie

You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.

When I tell my retailers, that they need to spend a week keeping tabs on what their customers are wearing, most look at me a bit strangely. But after that week, they realise there’s a method to this madness.

You see, when you look at what your customer is wearing, it tells you more about them than you could ever imagine.

I know, I know, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. I’m not saying you should treat any person in your store any differently, but when you keep a keen eye on what types of clothing your customer is wearing, it could just change your whole retail offering.

What we wear, says a lot about our values. It shows the world a version of ourselves, that we want to be seen as. So paying attention to your customer’s outfits, tells you who they are, what they like to buy, what their value system is when they shop and how much they’re prepared to pay.

So let’s talk about that a bit more.

Why is it so important to look at what a customer is wearing.

When you start paying attention to your customers, you notice that Mark pretty much symobilises your average customer.

Generally speaking, he’s around 25-35 years old, and loves to wear surf brands. From the t-shirt to the board shorts, through to the hat, sunglasses and even his flipflops.

What does this say about Mark? How does he want you to see him?

Obviously, Mark’s entrenched in the surf culture. He’s prepared to pay money for branded product, but also that he belongs to a ‘group’ in society.

The surfing community.

And that community has a perception. It’s is known to be laid back, never in a hurry, embracing the environment, and the bonds that come with being part of that culture.

Let’s talk about Abby, she’s the woman who comes in store in her branded active wear.

When she wears her branded athletic wear, she’s telling you that she values the visibility of a brand. She wants everyone else to know that she’s fashion forward, she’s an outdoorsy person, who likes to keep fit. Abby is also telling you that she’s prepared to pay more, to look good.

It’s important to her that people know she’s on trend and she cares about her figure.


A stereotype yes, but, if you have LOADS of Abby’s coming into your store, you need to ensure that the brands you’re selling, reflect what Abby values in the products she buys.

And there’s the clincher. What your customer wears, tells you so much about their personality, that you can take that information, and use it to weed out the products that just don’t appeal to your Abby’s or your Mark’s.

If you need some help with refining exactly what your Abby (or Mark) is looking for, I’ve got a great free download for you.

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